Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Blue 42, hike," Aiden Ryder, our quarterback, called out, just as our center, Justin Liton snapped Aiden the ball and quickly ran up the defense line to fool our rivals, the South Miami High School's Cobras.

Adrenaline surged through me as I viewed all of my teammates from my wide receiver position on the far right, a good amount of distance if Aiden were to throw the ball my way. Around me, the tacklers who are Steve, Tyler, and Danny, were on the ground, with some other guys beneath them. In my peripheral vision, I saw Jayden, our Runningback, ran beside Aiden and took the ball, then sprinted towards the Touchdown line like his heels were on fire. Damn, that boy runs fast, I thought. In response, the other team's Guard and Linebacker, were on Jayden's heels. However, Jayden reached the line right before the linebacker tackled him and we won ourselves a full six points. I glanced at the score board and sighed. We were losing by a whole 12 points and we have about two minutes left. The whistle blew and our coach, Jeff, waved us all in a huddle.

"Alright, guys," he told us seriously, making eye contact with every one of us.

I unsnapped and snapped my gloves nervously, and Aiden grabbed my hand and gave me a warm smile. I blushed and turn back to our coach.

"Right, now, I want you guys to forget the scoreboard and the time. I want you all to depend on your teamwork, and know that each and one of you have got each other's back. You can do this," he said and together we all yelled, "Stingrays!"

It was kind of amusing when we did those yells, because every one of the guys sounds rough and husky, while mine is girlish.

"Aiden, it's your call," Coach Jeff said and we all looked at my sexy as hell boyfriend and he returned our look with a determined on.

"The next play is theirs, so we need to block their all of their players if necessary. Heads up guys," Aiden said and we all nodded and quickly disperse to the field, where the other team began to go in position.

The other quarterback yelled out, "Black 17, hike," and the ball went into his hands and he threw it to his receiver in front of me.

It was a smart move because there was only one Guard on my side. I shook my head as the receiver ran towards me in full speed to get to the touchdown line. Not a chance buddy, and I took off after him, with me a feet away from him. I felt adrenaline go through me and use my leverage like I did so often when I was a cheerleader, and jumped onto his back. The other receiver didn't expect for me to have so much strength and because of that, he slid onto the ground, dropping the ball in the process.

The whistle blew and it was our turn for the offense. Getting into position once again, Aiden yelled, "Red 52, hike," and he caught the ball, while Jayden ran up next to him. With breaking a stride, Aiden threw me the ball, and my hands shot out to catch the spiraling ball. I ran with it, with Aaron and Jake by my side and pass their defenses. Two yards away from the touchdown line, I was momentarily blocked by the cornerback, but I jumped pass in defenses and dropped the ball on the line. Six more points for us! I heard loud cheering and the cheerleaders doing some dance routine as I ran back to my teammates with a huge smile.

I glance at the clock and swore. Just thirty more seconds to go and we are done. Dammit. I glanced at Aiden and he nodded. He understood and we all positioned once again.

"Black 24, hike," he yelled and he caught the ball in his hands. Without missing a beat, Aiden ran towards the touchdown line, with all of us trying to protect him from the other team.

We made it successfully halfway until a few of our guards got tackled. Soon, it was just me and Aiden, with all of our teammates preoccupied one way or another. Almost there, I chanted to myself and my eyes popped wide as the other's team two safeties blocked up. I stared beseechingly at Aiden and willed him to understand when he nodded reluctantly. With all that I could, I blocked Aiden in front, and was tackled by one safety when the other one tried to tackle Aiden. Being a skilled football player he is, he narrowed dodge him, and ran to the touchdown line. I groaned when my tackler got off of me, and I stood up, shaking out my leg in the process. Damn, the dude who tackled me was heavy as hell.

Don't Try To Tackle the Ex-Cheerleader [Ex-Cheerleader #4]Where stories live. Discover now