I'm Only Having A Nightmare

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*Ashlee's P.O.V.*

        "Ashlee! Hurry up or you'll be late for school.. Again!" My Mom yells rather loudly even though she is one room down. I mean come on mother, we have neighbors. "I'm coming! Could you give me a minute? You can't rush perfection you know?" I yell back just as loud hoping to annoy her enough so she'll shut up. I obviously suceed as I earn a scoff and silence from her. I smirk in victory and continue to get ready for.... school.. Ew. Who likes high school? That's right, no one. It's only full of sporty dicks, preppy bitches, and annoying teachers. Nothing more, and nothing less. Especially our school. You're obviously wondering what I mean by "our", right? Duh, so I've failed to mention my other half. Cachea. I've got three words for you, my friend: my partner in crime... Wait that's four, oh well, that's beside the point. We do everything together. We met in 6th grade, I remember it like it happened a minute ago.  

        I was new at the school, it was my 6th grade year. Cachea was appointed my guide for the day. Seeing as though we had every class together and our lockers were right beside each other. She seemed quite lame and weird in the start, but we got to know each other and realized we could quite possibly be long, lost twins. It all started from there. Now we're neighbors, and partners in crime.

         "I'm not gonna be late because of you again. Snap out of it, stupid!" I hear a voice ring through my ears snapping me out of my thoughs. "Damn it, Cachea, how many times do I have to ask you to not interrupt my me-time.!?" I yell at her as she stands in my doorway. "Oh shut up, you ready Bae?" She hurries me every damn morning. "Do I look ready?" I snap back as she scoffs. I wonder quite often if our relationship is healthy. "You look sexy, now let's go or I'm leaving you here." She threatens knowing I can't be late again. Much less miss another day. "Ugh, I really do hate you Cachea." "Oh, but you know you love me so much." That's my problem: she's always right. "Screw you. I hate you." I fight back, she always wins these battles. "You know, I always win these battles." Holy shit, she's reading my mind. "Stop reading my mind. It's creepy and not normal." She only laughs as she hops in the driver seat of her car as I hop in the passenger seat and sadly, head to school. 

        "Hello Ashlee. Yes, would you like to come up to the front of the classroom and share why you have your phone out during class?" Really Mrs. Colbert, that's unesscary. "No thanks, I'm fine." I answer causing a wave of chuckles to fill the classroom. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice." I stand up and make my way to the front of the room. "So, I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today. It's simply because I have just been caught with my phone out during Mr. Colbert's class just a few moments ago. Now I'm not entirely sure why she has required me to "share" why I had my phone out, but I can tell you I was checking my Twitter account and found this hilarious picture about Lebron James. Now I need ou to raise your hand if your are Miami Heat fans. Okay, good. Now raise your hands if your for the Ohio State Buckeyes. Great, so here's the thing: How many Miami Heat fans have you guys heard from since Lebron James opted out? No one as I susepcted." I then raised up my phone so everyone could see the picture. It's Kermit drinking his tea and the caption says, "But that's none of my business." Everyone, but the Miami Heat fans bursted out laughing. "Thank you all for listening to my award winning speech. That is all for today. Class dismissed." I then turn around and walk back to my desk next to my Cachea. I took a glimpse of my teacher's face, and I'm pretty sure you can see steam coming from her ears. She should get that checked out.. "And that, my friend, is why I love you." Cachea slowly got out in between laughing fits. "Oh I know, my love. I know." I answer just as the bell rings signaling the end of school. THANK GOD. Me and Cachea run out of the room and straight to our lockers. I'm not sure how this came about, but it's always like this, every year: same classes together and locker neighbors. We're quite lucky.    

        Once we make our way out of school, Cachee's phone begins going off. She basically throws her jacket and backpack at me so she can asnwer her phone. "That's real nice, Cachea, real nice." She just chuckles and anwers her phone after the third ring. "Hello?" I can't hear the other end of the call, but it's intriguing me. "Yes, we're getting ready to get in the car. We'll be home in just a few minutes. Okay, I love you too. Bye." Cachea hangs up with a worried look plastered on her face. "That was my Mom.. She needs to talk to both of us and it's really important." Oh.. Why me? She's not my Mother. The curiousity is taking over my soul. I can't imagine what Cachea may be thinking. As if on cue Cachea announces, "I have no idea what she wants to talk about, so don't ask me what I'm thinking." "What the hell did I say this morning!? Stop that!." I find it quite strange when she does that. "Well, I hope it's something good, at least." I confess. The rest of the drive is silent.

        After what seems like 6 years Cachea pulls into the driveway of her house. We reluctantly get out of the car and trudge to her front door as we close the door Cachea's mother's voice rings through the hallway "We're in the kitchen ladies.". Due to the close proximity, I assume she's in the kitchen so I make my way to the kitchen when my mother comes into view. Now I can't help, but worry. What the bloody hell is going on. "Ashlee, Cachea we'd like for you two to sit down." Me and Cachea exchange looks and I can tell she worried of what is about to happen. We take our seats at the island in the kitchen and face the two serious mothers. "I didn't plan a speech for this, so I'll just come out and say it. We're moving..." Silence blankets the room we're in. What does she mean "moving"? What does she mean "we"? What is this? "Where, Mom? Where are we moving?" Cachea blurts out and I can see the panic in her eyes. She knows this isn't good at all. "Australia." No. This is happening at all. I'm only having a nightmare.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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