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I just wanted to give you all a heads up before you start reading

(incase you missed the tags) this story includes talks of depression and suicide.

This won't just be laughing, memes, and terrible jokes, it also includes self-harm, suicide, and depression. And not in the "lol I have depression, so anyway-"

no, it gets descriptive. And if you are easily triggered by this content, then please turn around and don't read. I care about all my readers, regardless if they're following me or not, I don't want to trigger a nasty panic attack or offend anyone.

My best friend used to get frequent panic attacks (she now takes medication for it), and it's very scary to see and experience. So please, if you're sensitive to the things I listed above, don't read.

For your safety, I've tried to lessen the intensity of the suicide scenes, but I can't 100% guarantee that they are a-ok to read for those who are sensitive to that kind of stuff.

Thank you, and enjoy the story

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