Chapter Two

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Chapter Two. 

Jennifer came to just in time to see a young man standing in front of her, someone holding her arms behind her back as she felt someone's hands digging around in her pockets. She looked down, in a daze, as she watched a woman remove her cellphone from her pocket and tossed it on a table, the battery popping out from the back. 

Jennifer thought, for a few seconds at least, that they were mugging her. She couldn't inhale through her nose, the coppery taste of blood in her mouth. She inhaled air through her open mouth, happy that she couldn't really smell anything. 

And yet, that didn't really make a difference, seeing as she could almost taste the stench in the air on her tongue. Her stomach lurched once again, Jennifer bending over slightly as if she was going to throw up. 

"Stay still!" the man in front of her barked, his voice loud over the clatter that was going on in her ears. It made his voice sound much louder than it really was, the ringing in her ears increasing after he spoke. She felt his hands grab her nose, Jennifer's eyes widening as she heard the snap and the pain made her flinch and fall back against the body that was holding her upright. 

Instantly air filtered in through her nose, the smell hitting her even harder than before. 

Now, that made her puke. 

"Shit," the man said, his voice disgusted as he jumped back so he wouldn't be hit by the contents of Jennifer's stomach. Though, a mocking smile made it's way onto his face as he nodded at the two people behind Jennifer. Instantly, she felt the arms restraining her drop and she fell to the floor. 

Something cold splashed up onto her pants as she landed, jarring her to reality. Her brain kicked into gear as she jumped to her feet, pivoting on her right foot and tried to push her way through the two men in front of her. 

One of the bigger men grabbed her arms when she tried to shove him, pushing her back into the man that she almost puked on. He gripped her harshly, his fingers digging into her shoulders as he pulled her forward. 

With a little grunt, he shoved her with enough force that Jennifer lost her footing and landed onto the dirty floor. Her arms and legs became covered in a runny substance, almost pink in color. Her mind didn't want to fathom what she just landed in, but she could tell that there was blood mixed in there. 

"Get up," she heard the man sigh again, pulling her to her feet as she let out a short sob. He started to push her farther into the building, Jennifer allowing herself to be pushed forward. She blinked away the tears as a room came into view. 

Her eyes widened even more, if that was even possible. Her mouth hung agape as she passed the room, the whole sight seeming to roll by in slow motion. The room looked dark, though she wondered if it was the thick blood on the floor that gave it that appearance. 

There were chunks of something laying on the floor, her eyes landing on the bloody flesh there as she walked past it. An image of something passed through her mind, Jennifer recalling the image from a science textbook. She could have sworn she saw the human heart pump a few beats, but she blinked that idea away in disbelief. 

"No..." she muttered, halting in her pace, making her escort bump into her. 

"Keep moving, pig!" he sneered, giving her a shove. Jennifer tripped up slightly, her feet finally catching up with her brain as she started to walk properly once again. 

What was this place? 

Where were they taking her? 

They are going to kill me...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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