Chapter 2

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This part was written by the co-writer that i dedicated to :)


Jack's POV

I wiped the knife clean of all signs of the O negative that coated it and dropped it to the ground. I made a sharp clang attracting the attention of a nearby dog. It starts barking and ran off, to inform it's owner something  was wrong.

I sighed and walked off. Stripping off the leather jacket I had on, I slid into the car and chucked the jacket in the back.

As I sped off to the hospital I noticed something, I could only make a connection with her when I was close to her. Somethings about making a connection with someone in there mind was really confusing, they almost mashed my brain.

I liked Aubrey, she was a sweet girl, valued her hair too much though. Well everything will be better when I'm there. 

She's never exactly noticed me before, she's seen me around, we've never talked. As soon as she sees me, she'll instantly be attached.

Well, that's if I actually get to see her. Even if she does see me, she'll never know that i'm the voice inside her head. I'm only there to make her better. Sometimes being a connector was kind off annoying. If i never died and got this as my punishment for suicide, I'd never have to do this to people. 

But I guess once yo over-dose you've kind of burst your bubble for the last time. You start feeling numb all over. Your eyelids start getting droopy. Then the numb feeling reaches your waist. It starts getting cold. You lose all feeling in your body. Your eyelids shut. Then it's over. Gone. Dead and gone.

I shut my eyes tightly. I still had control over the car.

I gripped the steering wheel tight, until my knuckles went white. I let go, took a deep breath and opened my eyes again.

Aubery never deserved to be in that car crash, never deserved to be in the car crash that was meant to happen. Anyone in hell can control me and tell me to hurt someone just so there's another person to connect with. Its not fair on anyone, me, Aubrey, her mother or anyone else who happens to be affected...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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