Forget To Remember

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“I can’t believe that his house is in the middle of the damn woods.” Aisley mumbled. She stood on the porch at the front door. Her crimson hair now reached her knees. She wore a black midriff tube top, black skinny jeans, and white converses. ‘But still, I’m glad to see him again. I didn’t even tell him goodbye the day I left. Akito probably told him I’m dead.’ She thought letting a small laugh escape her lips, but there was no humor in it.

Aisley took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was no answer. After a minute or so, she knocked again. Not receiving an answer the second time, Aisley sighed and sat down on the porch steps. ‘Maybe he’s not home. Should I go and come back later? But what if he’s not home then?’  Aisley was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the front door open.

“Now why would a pretty girl like you be out here in the woods? Are you lost?” A voice asked. Aisley gasped and whipped around, her golden eyes landing on a tall dark haired man. She smiled as her eyes met the familiar loving dark eyes of the man. Other people knew this man as Shigure Sohma, but Aisley knew him as, “Daddy…” She breathed, her eyes starting to water.

“A-Aisley? Oh my god it’s really you! I’ve missed you so much!” Shigure cried as he wrapped his daughter in a bear hug. The tears that leaked from his eyes landed on Aisley’s shoulder. “I missed you to. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye. I’m sorry.” Aisley apologized crying into his chest. After a few minutes of a comfortable father-daughter bonding silence, Shigure decided to break the moment and returned to his happy-go-lucky-self.

“Why don't we go inside? Knowing you, you probably think that it’s freezing right now.” Shigure suggested, walking inside his house. Aisley nodded and shivered slightly, following him inside. Once in the living room, different scents wafted into Aisley’s nose. “There other people living with you. Who are they?” She asked.

Shigure chuckled. “You always had the sharpest nose didn’t you Aisley? Don’t worry, you’ll see them soon.” Aisley sighed and plopped herself down at the table. “Have you seen… him?” Aisley asked hesitantly. Sure she never forgot about him but it was hard to talk about. Shigure’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes I’ve seen Kyo! Grown up so big and he’s pretty as a daisy!” He said prancing around the room.

“What the hell are you talking about?” A voice snapped. “Honestly you never know. He’s-“ Aisley started before she froze. As she turned her eyes met the face that she missed for ten years. The piercing maroon eyes, the blazing orange hair, the one and only, “Kyo…” She whispered under her breath.

“Who the heck are you?” Kyo asked angrily. Aisley gasped and tears pricked her eyes. Even Shigure looked shocked. ‘He… He doesn’t remember me. This has to be a sick joke, right? Right?’ Aisley thought hysterically. She stared at Kyo for a while before getting up and running out the door.

“You really forgot about her didn’t you?” Shigure asked. “Forgot about her, I don't know her!” Kyo snapped. “Oh well I guess you’ll figure out later. I’ll be in my study if you need me.” Shigure announced as he skipped to his room. Kyo shook his head he walked up the stairs to his room. ‘Who was that chick? Yeah she looks kinda familiar but I’m sure I’ve never met her before in my life.’ He thought walking into his room.

Kyo walked over to his bad and sat down in front of a picture frame. In the picture was him and a girl. Not just any girl, his best friend, his first love. Kyo picked up the frame and looked closer at it. Something was off to him. “Heh. That’s weird. That girl looks like… Oh my god… Aisley!” Kyo shouted, running out of his room, down the stairs and out the door.

Shigure peeked his head out and lightly smiled. “Seems like he finally remembered. I wonder how this will turn out.” He muttered before returning to his study.

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