Chapter Two; Her Return

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Normal P.O.V

"So, how did the mission go?"Makarov asked somberly. Since she had arrived, she had been acting quite differently. Something about the carefree young girl that had left four years ago, had changed.

Lucy crossed her legs and chewed on her lip. She looked away from Makarov. "I guess it could have gone better."She admits. Being in Bellum had been harder than she would have originally thought, Bellum has different laws, traditions. "I infiltrated Bellum's Fighting Program successfully. And just as you thought, Master. That place is corrupted."She confirms.

She pulls her shirt up slightly, revealing a pink scar that still seemed to be healing, it stretched from the right side of her rib cage to the left side of her hip. She looks up with a frown. "I was given no trust until just last month. Bellum is a dangerous place. I made the wrong choice of revealing my identity, I was ambushed by the top league of Bellum. All of this under the nose of the King. I managed to pull some information from an Archive Mage. That program was not originally welcomed in Bellum, but after so many people joined the program, King Bellum allowed it. I still don't know who's leading the program, but I'm positive, that they are after the throne."Lucy looks down, gritting her teeth. "I had to flee that place."Evident tears welling in her eyes. "I had one trustworthy friend, his name is Ubaki. But he was taken before we could even reach the boat that would bring us here. I am still not sure whether he is even alive, the laws from Bellum are completely different. He will be claimed a traitor in the program, so many people against him. They will have him killed."

"I see."Makarov went deep in thought. "But you managed to retrieve the object?"

"I never fail my missions Master."Lucy pulls out a small orb. "This contains all the information we need."

Makarov takes the orb. "I shall have a meeting then. If those bastards take the Throne of Bellum, they will then go for Isenberg, Sin, Jova, until they have all of us to go against Pergrande Kingdom. Fiore will have to team up with the surrounding Kingdoms then. You've done an amazing job. You were the first to infiltrate Bellums Fighting Program, and the first to successfully retrieve the information needed. With this, we can confront the Magic Council before it's too late."

Lucy nods. "I will not allow those bastards to take over my home, and I will get Ubaki back. I will destroy them."


"G-GUY'S!"Max screams, his body shaking. He runs into the guild, completely disturbing the ruckus and brawling. "She's back!"

"Who's back?"Gray asks.

"Erza."Lucy smirks and kicks Gray's calf from under the table. "Didn't you have a big ass crush on her when you were younger?"

Gray shakes his head violently. "No way I'd ever like a monster!"

"ERZA!?"Everyone shouts in horror. Those who were brawling dropped their fist and quickly froze in place.

"How'd you know she was coming?"Gray asks the confused looking blonde in front of him. He was still not used to seeing her around, it felt like she was a new guild member and not the annoying over confident girl from before. He could feel her power from a long distance, and he wanted to know how she had managed to climb so quickly up to the top. He would ask about that sometime later.

She shrugs. "I felt the waves of energy that her body released somewhere around the West."

"How?"Gray asks completely intrigued. He still couldn't feel the 'waves of energy' as Lucy called it. Sure he felt Lucy's magic, but from a certain distance. Perhaps through the perimeter of Magnolia, but not further than that.

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