At Fault

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Updated Broken Piece go check it out. Comment and vote please.

Gia had no sense of time in that place, and she had no idea how much she should have valued being able to know the time of day until she couldn't... She didn't remember falling asleep, but she remembered what happened between her and Isaac.

She pushed the thought from her mind. Gia moved over Isaac to get off the cot, needing to put some space between herself and what she had done. She quickly put her underwear and shorts back on once her feet had hit the floor.

She finished dressing quickly and stood next to the cot, fingers twisting around matted hair. She gently shook her head in disbelief. How was she even supposed to feel?

Isaac winced before his eyes fluttered open. Her focus and mind quickly returned to the present and reality. She didn't meet his eyes though, afraid of what she might find. What emotions would be hidden behind his bright eyes? She knew regret would likely dull his eyes, but it was the potential disgust that pained her. He slowly sat up, the blanket covering his lower half staying in place. "Are you alright?" She asked feeling her voice was oddly high pitched.

"I'm fine," he groaned. Isaac looked at her after a moment, his own frown in place. She stiffened. His mouth opened to say more but their prison door swung open. Isaac sat up straighter and Gia backed up and faced the door.

"Well done," BBW appeared, carrying a basket in one hand, and a blanket in the other. Gia felt sick as she remembered they had an audience. It was nearly enough to buckle her underneath her own weight. Her hands shook and went to press against her mouth. He tossed the blanket onto the floor. "Hopefully, the boy was able to deliver." He then set the basket on the floor. "I'm telling you. You'll get all sort of things if you cooperate with the Cranes. It's food. I'm also bringing in a basin later and a change of clothes for you two."

Neither had anything to say to the man. Obviously, he felt nothing about their muteness, he lightly shrugged.

"A word of advice," he looked directly at the young woman. "If you do become impregnated... don't lose it. They're going to keep you around for a while, they want all their kids to have biological siblings. Don't get on their bad side."

"Thanks for the advice, truly." Gia commented sarcastically – but weakly. The man smirked at that. He glanced towards Isaac.

"Well she's a handful. I'll be back later." He left.

Gia's attention went back to the basket on the floor, wanting anything to distracted her from her own thoughts. She walked over and grabbed an apple, taking a large bite, and chewed quickly. "It's good..." She uttered, wanting anything to fill the quiet infecting the air. She could feel him staring at her, so she turned, slipping an indifferent expression onto her face, she caught his frown. "Want one?"

Instead of answering the young man stood with a low wince, a gash pulled on his side - not bleeding but nasty. He kept the blanket wrapped around his waist as he found his bottoms. He looked up in time to catch the bright green apple thrown at him by Gia. "They're good." He had yet to say anything, which unnerved and made her want to ramble. She cleared her throat. She just hoped he didn't say anything that would really murder her already wounded self-confidence. Her attention fell back on her own apple and found only the cord. She frowned; she hadn't realized she had eaten so quickly. Her free hand found her hair and twisted around the kinky curls.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt Isaac's warm hand wrap around her wrist. Her brown eyes widened as she quickly looked up at him, wondering when he had even gotten so close.

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