Gezel: Party

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"Did you come up with anything?" Marcy asks, floating beside me.

"No, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with PB. So all I came up with was rubbish. I’m sorry" I say sighing heavily and Marcy pats me on the shoulder.

"Ya I figured you would be too preoccupied with that so I had Finn do some research and I found out that there used to be a whole song dedicated to birthdays! Isn’t that weird? It was about some guy named Jonas but I’m just going to change the name." she says floating farther away. 

"So why did you want me to try and write you one?!" I ask angry. 

"Because I knew you wouldn't stop sulking about it until you wrote something down, duh." Marcy says, I just glare at her as she floats off, grabbing her bass along the way.

"Okay guys, this one is going out to my little buddy pineco here." Marcy says over the noise of the audience. She strums her bass and everyone falls quiet. She was famous far and wide for her songs and everyone wanted to hear them.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear pineco! Happy birthday to you! And many more, till you knock on heaven’s door-" she continues her singing as everyone sits in the audience listening intently to her words. I sigh and head outside, I never really did like large crowds and this was one of the biggest I had ever seen.  I search for a place where I am away from the crowds but still able to hear Marcy’s song. I am her best friend after all and she would never forget it if I didn't at least listen. I find a place, it was tucked in between two trees and it seemed like a good place. But as I come around, I bump into someone, falling to the ground.

"Oop! Ow!" I say, rubbing my head. I look up to see a guy around my age looking down at me with a smirk. He had black hair and reddish eyes and when he smiled I could see his fangs peeking over his bottom lip.

"Hey there girly." he says simply. I get up and brush the grass off my clothes with a huff.

"Sorry about that." I say still looking at him, he looked amazingly similar to Marcy.

"Are you related to Marceline?" I ask suddenly. He looks shocked and answers

"ya, I just got into town to hear her sing. Seems like she is very popular." he says scanning the crowd. I see his face light up when he saw Marcy floating above the crowd.

"Damn, she is still using that old ax-guitar? Haha! She looks so good out there, and they seem to love her." he says. Marcy finishes her song with a strum and the crowd cheers.

"Oops! Got to go! If I don't show up to congratulate her then she will kill me!" I say laughing and moving through the crowd, trying to get to Marcy. Arms wrap around my waist and I feel myself getting lifted up off the ground.

"What the-!" I say, clutching at the arms holding me up, praying they don't drop me.

"Don’t worry, I got you" I hear Marcy's brother's voice in my ear. I shiver and stumble away when he sets me down next to Marcy.  I take a minute to get my heart to stop trying to beat up my rib-cage.

"You okay?" I hear his concerned voice right beside me. I look up at him and say,

"y-ya I just don't like flying that much." I say. He nods and next thing I know I am staring at empty space. ‘What?’ I think. I look over to see Marcy rolling around on the ground with her brother, laughing and tickling him.

"Haha! Hey Marsh! What are you doing here? How’s my little brother doing?" she says giving him a noogie. Little brother?

"Marcy! Get off!" her brother says finally getting free.

Marcy laughs and messes up her little brothers hair at which he glares at her and runs his hands through his hair.

"Oh ya! Gezel, this is Marshall my little brother. Marshall this is my best friend Gezel" Marcy says pointing to both of us. Marshall give an embarrassed wave and I chuckle lightly waving back. Some dude bursts through the crowd, asking Marcy for an autograph. She rolls her eyes and looks towards me.

"We should get out of here." she says Marshall agreed quickly as he is pushed from behind by the crowd. Marcy picks me up by my arms and starts floating towards her house. I always hated it when she flew with me like this, it really terrified me, but I learned that Marcy would only do it when necessary if I acted like it didn’t bother me.

"How come you were almost screaming when I was flying with you but with my sis you’re pretty relaxed?" Marshall says floating beside us. His tone sounded a bit jealous and I was about to reply but Marcy cut me off.

"Because, she knows me better bonehead!" she says, sticking out her tongue.  I let out a laugh and they both look at me, causing me to blush and shrug... which was a really bad idea since Marcy almost lost her grip on me and I lurched down several feet.  I bit down on my lip to keep from screaming my head off.

"Whoa man! What are you, stupid?" Marshall says floating down to my level. My eyes were clenched shut and I was bleeding a little from biting my lip so hard.

"Haha! You look so cute when you’re scared Gezel!" Marshall yells out holding his stomach and laughing at me. I hear Marcy sigh from above me and she says quietly to me.

"Just a bit longer and we will be at my house, then I can get rid of the idiot." Marcy fixes her grip on me and glares at her brother.

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