Untitled Part 20

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I like how this chapter offers us insight into both the leads' minds. They are both thinking, "What can I do to help him/her/situation...?" And Chu Jian makes what is a big move for her.

Chapter 5.5 — Age-Old Jealousies (5)

Chu Jian had been busy with work since arriving back at home. There was going to be a large trade show in Guangzhou, and she was responsible for receiving and hosting the company representatives from certain Japanese and Korean brands. This was a critical task, as only if these representatives felt well taken care of would she continue to hold the exclusive distribution rights of their products.

When Chu Jian first started up her business, the nail art industry was still focused on the low-end, affordable market.

After Chu Jian graduated, one of her university classmates married and moved to Japan, and this classmate hooked her up to become the exclusive distributor of a high-end brand of products. With this one move, she opened up the high-end market... Anyhow, Chu Jian had always felt that her luck had been quite good, and her business start-up had been very successful.

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL hui3r.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from hui3r.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Her busyness carried on until nearly midnight when, at last able to catch her breath, she stepped out from her bedroom.

She was so famished her stomach was growling, so naturally, she remembered that pot of soup in the kitchen. Shuffling closer for a look, she grew even hungrier.

Earlier on, as she made arrangements for various matters, she had endured hunger and thought about work as well as reflected on the current state between the two of them.

It seemed—her eyes glanced at the clock in the living room—it was really late already. It was not possible that he still hadn't eaten, right?

He was still sick.

Turning the knob of the natural gas stove, she ignited the flame of the burner and reheated the broth. After ladling out a small bowl, she silently began to eat and, while she was at it, amble back and forth inside the kitchen, doing some mental processing and persuasion of herself.

Eventually, while still eating, as if guided by an unknown force, she walked up to the front door and unlocked it. Chu Jian was still wavering over whether she should invite him over to have dinner. What if he talked about marriage again; what should she do?

Before she had a chance to even bring her hand back down, the door was pushed opened by a crack.

Jian Bianlin had merely wanted to give it a try and see whether she had locked the door from the inside, but to his surprise, it had opened with a single twist of the knob. While he was still hesitating over whether he should close the door and do that step over again, knocking and addressing her first, she had already pulled the door open from the inside.

© 2013-2016 FANATICAL hui3r.wordpress.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Translated with the express permission of the author for hui3r.wordpress.com. If you are not reading this from hui3r.wordpress.com, then this translation has been posted without the permission of the translator.

Beneath the white glow of the corridor light, Jian Bianlin was there, dressed in the middle of winter in only a thin, black short-sleeved shirt made of cotton. He had been too anxious when he ran out and had forgotten to slip on a jacket.

Beneath the warm amber light of the front entryway, Chu Jian was there, a half a slice of bamboo shoot still between her lips. Seeing him, she slurped the remainder into her mouth and then asked blankly, "Have... you eaten dinner yet?"

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