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                               "Am taking the pink skirt." Thecla announces excitedly. "Sorry to burst your bubble but isn't that the skirt you wore to last weeks party. Can't have you mocked by Arabella tomorrow." Olivia reminded. "I have nothing to wear." Thecla complains while looking through her closet. "I don't think you should care about what anybody thinks on your choice of  outfit." Sasha positively suggests. "Thanks for the optimism Sasha dear, but we girls have to maintain our unique flare. Only in fashion are boys allowed to do as they please but with girls it's Soo different. There is a whole bible on it." Thecla explains the unwritten rules on gender trying out a cute white  dress as she stands in front of the girls expecting great remarks. The girls are about to give their suggestion when Oriela Budges into her room. The sound of the loud bang sealed Olivia's soon to be naughty witty remark as the three teen pups quickly move out of Thecla's room to soothe their by the sound of the door, angry friend.

On the other side of the hall, Oriela throws her tired annoyed body on her bed covering her face with her baby pink pillow. "It's not like a loathe but the bitch makes it easy. No I cannot allow an alpha to get under my skin at this crucial time."

                             "Um, Ori are you alright?!"Thecla asks keeping her voice at concern."I wish" Oriela says her face still glued to the pillow almost making it hard for the girls to hear."We didn't quite get that." Olivia blurts out making the girls throw her the ' be patient ' look, she on the other hand shrugs not understanding her mistake. Is concern only kind and cute when it comes of Thecla's mouth. Does she look like the devil when she talks with concern. "I am alright, am sorry for the loud bang, I am just super tired after the long night." Oriela falsely explains herself after she manages to sit up. "Too bad Mr.exahustion will have to wait cause you have a party to go to." Olivia proclaims not willing to listen to any excuse."Party what party?" Oriela asks confused at the sudden news. "The celebration. The claws won and we are going to celebrate their victory as a school of course." Thecla explains, hoping the princess will join the team of three.
"Why not? A party is definitely what I need right now. So what are we wearing?! What is the theme." she asks after the sudden attitude boost.
"The question is what are you wearing?" Thecla interrogates at the sight of Oriela's black tights and white top. "Don't worry about me,Okay first there is no way am going to let you go out of that door dressed like that." Oriela states making the girls look at themselves again from head to toe.
"Being a princess and a daughter of a woman who chooses fashion as a way to boost confidence, I've learnt a thing or two about fashion and how different dressing modes go side by side with character and I think I have something for all of you and no, I don't mind sharing you are my friends after all." Oriela firmly expresses herself not giving the girls  time or space to explain themselves. So instead they sit down  quietly on her bed watching her shuffle thru her wardrobe looking for something exquisite for the girls.
"Olivia I think this will do just fine for your dangerous yet beautiful nature." She hands Olivia a white cute crop top and white ragged pencil jeans, which is quickly accepted.
"Thecla you tend to be feisty but at the same time good so I think this will be just fine for you." She gives Thecla a white short flare skirt, cute white shirt that exposes her abdomen.
"Darling Sasha you are super positive, always in your own land made of rainbows but still strong. Especially when you believe in something. So I believe this is how I picture you." Giving her a white pair of shorts (small  shorts) and a white beautifully decorated chiffon. The girls quickly dress up again meeting at their small living room area. "Let's go have fun." Olivia announces.

                              "Got my new leather jacket🎶 Trying to find my size seven black sneakers🎶 that Jayden wore last week." Arthur whistles as he sings his activities out loud annoying the hell out of Jayden who  throws a black pillow to his face. "Hey!!" Arthur protests. "Do us a favor and shut up." Jayden demands  as he puts on his black sneakers. "You guys don't appreciate real talent even if it's served to you on a gold platter." "If croaking like a frog is talent then you got my vote." Jayden comments as he swiftly steps away from the flying black pillow that comes his way. Before the stupid game could continue Jason comes flying in the room looking dashing and ready to party, all that remains is a crew and a crew he shall get. "Are you guys ready? Let's go crush a party." "We can't crush a party if we are invited." Arthur strikes again punishing Jason with the daily painful sarcastic  comment."You never stop now do you." "Not in a million years...." the two boys argue like children at the door while Jayden just stands by Oden's room watching the fools, stopping is worth the peace and quiet but not tonight. His energy is worth more in the party. What was taking Oden so long? Is all that he could wonder.

THE BEGINNING OF BLOODY WAR.1🐺☑️ Complete And EditedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat