Chapter Twenty Two

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•••••Luke's POV•••••

I watched as she dashed up the stairs, leaving the three of us behind.

"So..." Devon drew out, swing his head around and facing me, "she's the girl you wouldn't shut up about?"

The other two gawked at me. They were my friends, but Devon was my best.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said coolly, "only you could change a mere mention f a name into a fantasy."

He gave me a look.

"Uh huh. Really."

I shrugged.

"Listen, we have bigger problems. Lily's dad is coming out."

"Do you know why?" Jordan asked.

"Yes, actually," I said, "and it's not good for Lily. Apparently, he seems to think that he can claim custody over her -I have no idea why he wants that- and he has got it in his head that he actually can get her."

Devon whistled.

"And you said that her mom and sister died, right? And now she has her abusive dad coming to town?"

Yes, I told them. I can't keep a secret very well, do it just kind of... Slipped out.

However, I did manage to tell them about my little 'history,' with Lily. I knew if she fund out that I'd told them, I'd be as good as dead.

"Yeah," I replied, "that's right."

We stood in silence for a little while.

Finally, Tristan broke the silence.

"So what are we gonna do?"



I've never really been religious, like I would hardly ever go to church, but I had always believed in a higher power.

I'm not going to straight out tell you that you should all be mormon or something, because for all I know, there is no right or wrong.

People will tell me to go to church, to praise the Lord, and sing hymns. But God hasn't given me a reason to do that. At least, not recently.

I'm the kind of person who focuses on the future, not the now. Well, usually. My family is a different case. But I believe that people should work hard to be proud of who they are, and what they've become.

To me, parties are a waste of time. It's like, "let's all go out and get drunk! Let's have mindless sex and not even remember it in the morning! Whoop whoop! That's the way to live- forget about what we'll do all of our adult life! Let's just paaaar-taaay! Yeah!"

I feel sorry for people who have learned nothing about life. People who's parents just let them do whatever they want. Let them excel in wooing girls, and fail at their studies.

I feel for those people. They don't even realize how bad off they are. They call smart people names, and believe that they are cool. The majority of the time they're jerks! They use weird language, swear every other word, and throw their life away!

Now don't get me wrong. I'm fine with letting loose from time to time. But partying every weekend? The time when you could be putting any skills you have int action! Wasting away.

I pity those people.

You may wonder why I'm ranting about this.

My reason is not clear to me, though it popped into my head when I lay on my bed.

I was feeling very depressed, as it is clear why.

Maybe it was how difficult life is, about how tough we have to be to actually be happy.

Life is hard. But that's why we have to grit our teeth and go on.

I should know.

I didn't feel tough. Rather, quite the opposite.

See, people think they have the worst lives ever. They think that everyone should be nice to them, because their boyfriend broke up with them. People think that God hates them because the girl they wanted to ask to the winter formal was already taken.

I thought I had an awful life because my family had fallen apart.

But you know, there are people worse off than me. People in foreign countries who have nothing to eat, or are freezing to death. Who have both of those and have no one who can help them.

But I still hated it.

Don't you hate it when you feel helpless? Like you don't know what to do? Like when you're confused and no one can help you?

I'll bet the majority of you have never felt that way.

It's not the feeling you get when you're about to take a test that you didn't know about, one you didn't study for.

It's not a feeling in your stomach or gut, but one in the heart, where it actually feels heavy. It's a time where you cry.

Its a time where admit defeat.

But you rarely feel that way. It's a feeling you get when something huge and horrible happens. Bigger than when your boyfriend breaks your heart.

When you feel helpless is when you are in complete, utter dispair.

I used to think of God as a big, loving man in the sky. But now? Now, after all that has happened? I don't even know. I don't know at all.

Perhaps God is still that loving man in the sky. Maybe he doesn't excist. He might be the whole Earth, mother nature.

I styed lying on my bed for a long time. I don't know how long. Lilly and Ben came in at one point, but quickly noticed I wasn't in a great mood.

Mrs. Stone had popped her head in to see if I was settling in. I gave her a fake smile and told her that I was enjoying myself emensly. Even Luke stopped by once.

I must sound like a whiny child. Believe me, if I do, I have a reason to be that way. You may say that I don't have any problems, and that I should shut up and get on with life, but you don't understand.

I don't know about you, but pain hurts. It makes you ask for it to stop. It makes you cry and scream. My life is painful.

So don't judge.

I wasn't sure if I lay on that bed the rest of the afternoon. I was numb to time.All I knew was that my stay at the Stone's house was going to be an awful one.

And for once, while I lay on the bed, starring up at the slanted ceiling, I hoped that God really was real.


Sorry for the wait!

And, yes, it is a short chapter. And yes, it wasn't up as quick as you hoped.

But hey, I still uploaded!

So... Because you can probably guess, I am not the fastest writer there is.

So, therefore, I am raising the votes up to 8.

ALSO, I want at least 3 comments, all having a sentence (that actually makes sense) with the word... DEFENESTRATION!

Look it up if you don't know the definition!

Hope you all have a great day!





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