Why are You Here

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It's been half a day and I still haven't seen that girl Ophelia again. I slide my tray through the lunch line.

After getting out of math alive, I had Art and prime time. Prime time is a useless class if you ask me, you sit there and do nothing while the teacher talks about nothing.

I turn around after putting my number in. I always hated lunch, the anxiety it gives you by trying to find out where to sit. I look outside and notice an empty table. I head straight there and place my tray down at the same time as somebody else.

I look up, "Oh sorry I can lea-" the sight of green eyes startles me.

I stare at him in shock, and he at me till some guy waves his hand between us. "Yes, hello pretty girl. I know Percy is easy on the eyes but he has a girlfriend."

I blink out of my shock, "Yes I know, and she is horrifying."

The guy grins, "Oh you've met Annabeth? Percy can't shut up about her."

Percy rolls his eyes, "I haven't even mentioned her yet Patrick."

He shrugs and slide onto the bench. "It's only a matter of time."

Percy gives me a hug, "I can't believe you're at my school."

"Yeah me neither."

Percy sits down and motions for me to do the same. As I slide into the seat I notice that his relaxed look is a facade that hides his tension. Is he tense because of me? Or is because of being here?

"So-" the guy shovels some pasta into his mouth, "-how do you guys know each other?"

I look to Percy and nod for him to take the lead, his school his rules.

"Well we both are councillors at a summer camp. I am part of the swimming team and we see each other around." Percy greets others as the walk past.

"So that's how you always are ahead of the game." He smiles at me, "I'm Patrick. What's your name?"

I pick at my pasta, "I'm Celeste."

Patrick gives me a smile, "So beautiful Celeste, what did you do at the camp?"

I roll my eyes, "I coached singing and taught art techniques." That would be easy to remember, and easy to fake. I am a daughter of Apollo.

"So you are a talented beauty." Patrick winks at me.

I deadpan as Percy Snickers. Percy turns to Patrick, "Careful dude. She could have you on the ground in a second. Besides, she's way out of your league anyways."

Patrick sighs, "It's worth a try."

I shake my head and listen as the boys joke around. Turns out Percy is the best swimmer the school has ever seen. Well, I wonder why.

"So, you do any sports?" Patrick asks.

I shrug, "I don't know yet." I look at Percy, "Do you know an Ophelia?"

Percy shakes his head, "That name doesn't ring a bell. Patrick?" The guy stops shoveling food in his mouth and shakes his head.

The bell rings and we all toss our stuff away. I pull out my schedule and start to walk away, but Percy pulls me back.

"What class do you have next?" I show him and he breaks out into a big grin. "I know where that is! I have that class right now too. Let's go Sunshine Sally!"

Patrick looks at Percy like he grew a second head. "Her name's not Sally?"

Percy shrugs, "It's just a camp thing."

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