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DISCLAIMER(I keep forgetting to do these): I do not own any of the characters. Rick does. (This is child abuse...) But kidnapped Leo and locked him in my basement. Mwhahaha!!!


Leo slowly opened the door of the Zeus Cabin. The transparent light was covered by the curtains. Odd, Jason loves light.

Every photo ever taken of them was scattered on his table. Since when does Jason doesn't clean up?

He heard moans and sobs coming from his bedroom with Piper trying to console his wounded spirit by his side. He entered the room. He watched as Jason stared aimlessly unto the wall while eating the food he hated most: Skittles. OK! Something's definitely wrong... THO HE'S EATING SKITTLES! HALLEJIAH!

"Everything's gonna be alright. I miss him too." Piper said

"Who?" Leo asked but the unveiling answer did not reply

"I miss cuddling with him. I miss his warmth. I miss his body and mine fitting like a puzzle piece." (U can't say I don't do anything for u, Aziza, cause I find this so corny.) He said deadpan eating Skittles by handful

"What?" Leo asked confused "I'm right here!" But it sounded like bouncing echo that no heard not even himself.

"I miss him too. But we need to face reality..."

"BQ! I'm here!" He shouted to no avail

Jason got up "I guess ur right. I should face it but I can't. I'm till reminiscing how we used to be..."

"HELLO FROM THE GODDAMN OTHER SIDE!" Leo cursed and waved his arms in the air

Piper looked to her feet, regretting what she'd have to say "We should go tomorrow..."

"Yea... we should." Jason uttered

Leo couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand anymore. He went to the side and tried to pick up one of the vases to smash to prove he was there. But as he did, he's hand glided through like a ghost...

Like a ghost...


Leo watched in tired frustration as they mixed Skittles baggies and numerous photos in his casket. I mean, it's what he wanted at the end. BUT LOOK AT HIM! A scrawny sixteen year old with a boyfriend and bright future! Jason stood up to speak with tears flowing from his sky blue eyes which seemed to be frozen in disdain.

"Leo Valdez, how do I describe him? Humble..? Hell no." Jason said, trying to cheer everyone up since Leo wasn't there to do it. Everyone in congregation laughed. "A crazed lunatic who intentionally killed himself...? Yea sure..."
Leo felt betrayed. Where was this bullshit going? Joking at a funeral? THAT WAS HIS THING! How dare he!

"But Leo Valdez was so much more than that. He was the type of person to say 'so predictable' on but once you truly knew him. He was hella confusing... almost like Rubrics Cube. He'd make an awesome next Justin Bieber." They laughed again "He could always make anyone smile even if he was the cornerstone of loneliness. A conversation with him would make the best of friendships jealous. He was a loyal friend and boyfriend til his death... Goodbye, Leo."

Tears falling from his fragile, broken face and whispered in into the coffin... "I miss you... I love you."

"I love you too." Leo said with Jason turning back to retrace the words but it came from his cold, ghostly appearance. "Goodbye..."


GET ME THE PUKING BUCKET!!! (JK) This was actually cute. Hope you enjoy, guys and Aziza, u still owe me. ;)

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