The End of Robin Hood in Wonderland

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Muu's pov

I raced far out into the dark continent before she recovered from shock and tried to stab me with her ax. I quickly let her go and watched as she fell down into the ground.

"I will not show any mercy. Myra, you are a wanted criminal for attempting to destroy Reim."

"Hahaha.....HAHAHAHA! My Dearest Muu~ I didn't try to destroy it~ I DID DESTROY IT!"

"You're insane."

"Says the BOY who took everything away from me in FEAR!"

"Isn't that what you're doing now?"

"....No...I am dealing out Justice!"

Scheherazade pov

Something is very wrong. The market is being evacuated by the Fanalis corps, but I can tell the people are hostile...and Muu...he is no where to be-

"This...this isn't possible. What are you doing here! How could my precious Reim be....BE INFECTED BY THIS BLACK RUKH?!"

Myra's pov

That boy landed. You can strike now. Pour all your power into it!


He took EVERYTHING from YOU!


Don't listen to his poisonous words! END HIM


Good girl, show him, sow him your power! Show him that he should never mess with Al Thamen!!

F/T/N (Hi again, I know it's been so long right?)

Both Muu and Myra got into a battle position. Muu holding his trident in a defensive position and Myra swinging her ax back and forth.

"Why me Muu? Why did you have to take everything from me?"

"Myra I do not know what you are talking about."

"Lier, it was your fault, you encouraged it."

Muu shook his head and looked away. You could see he did not want to harm her, despite her horrible actions she was fun to hang out with when being cooperative, and she was a Fanalis, it did not  help that she was the only one he knew that had such vivid memory of the Dark Continent before it was raided by slave traders. Unfortunately Myra did not feel the same way.

The first move was made by the ax. They jumped and slashed and ran. Cursing and pleading with each other. Muu pressed for time til he was left defenseless, Myra wanting nothing more than his life. Due to Barbatos's speed, Myra failed multiple attempt to cut him, on the other hand Muu heavily damaged the said woman. The area they were in was ripped up and cracked. Grass missing, water dried up, chunks of the Earth flying back and forth, and the unforgettable ditch in the ground where Myra fell.

"I've had enough games...."

Myra jumped back into the crater and moved to the center. Then she closed her eyes and held her double bladed ax horizontal.


Slowly the blood from her body began to levitate in the air and they slowly formed massive blood spears. Chi no yari, her extreme magic. One after another they formed into rows and rows, even more than the Reim empires legion. 

Muu's pov

This is not good. I do not have enough...magoi left to....

The blood spears came all at one towards me as my djinn equip failed. To think I was going out like this, kind of pathetic really. I am sorry Lady Scheheraze. I have failed you.

F/T/N pov

It felt like hours have passes. Dust cover both Myra and Muu and it seemed time was to scared to see who was victorious.

"Muu when you get back I expect you to train even harder with your Djinn."

"Lady Scheherazade..."

There Muu was, in Lady Scheherazade's borg. He expected for Myra to be worn out, but unyielding. What really happened...well dear readers, I myself wish I did not know.

The dust settled and there Myra was, surrounded by her own extreme magic, pierced in the abdomen, shoulders, lower and upper back, thighs, and a foot. The only redeeming thing was all the black rukh, seemed to be gone.

"Al Thamen. They must have got their hands on her and done..something to her that even I can not identify.."

" she...."

Muu ran to the limp Myra, ignoring all of Scheherazades calls. He slowly took out the spears and tried to dress the wounds the best he could. Despite his best efforts the fanalis was paling and her breath became labored. Her clothes were tattered and could even be called shredded. A chunk of her hair was cut off at some point and she had a scar going from the left side of her forehead, over the bridge of her nose, and ending at the right mid-cheek.

"You can not die like this! This is a cowards way out of punishment! Stay with me!"

Muu picked her up and rushed her to Lady Scheherazade.

"Lady Scheherazade, there must be something you can do!"

"Why would I? Her punishment is death anyway."

"....She....She could be an asset to us!"

"..How so?.."

"Well...she is a Fanalis...and she had to be smart to ruin the whole market place!"

It seems this is the end for Robin Hood in Wonderland. Lady Scheherazade brought her back to Reim, but that did not settle well among the others. The Fanalis corps was in a rampage, their reputation was ruined because of her. The counsel wanted her dead for all the damage she caused, and the Lady herself, was worried about the other kingdoms finding out. I wonder myself what will happen to her. I hope you are just as curious as I am to see if she survives. 

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