One Night Amongst the Stars

Start from the beginning

“Where’s Amory?”

“In Mississippi.”

I was a bit confused.  Surely this girl knew she was in Mississippi if she had shown up on my land this morning.

“Where’s Mississippi?  What galaxy?”

“What on earth are you talkin’ about?”

“Earth?  Am I on Earth?”

“Um, yeah.”

“I’ve read about this place.  It’s nothing like what I’ve read.”

 “What have you read?” I asked.

“There is only war and madness.”

“Not in all places here.”

“Of course war and madness are everywhere.”  She seemed to be reminiscing about something.

I stared back at her, wondering how come such a beautiful woman had lost her mind.  And beautiful she was.  She had long blonde curls that shone in the bright sunlight.  She was wearing a pair of black leggings and an oversized purple shirt.  On her right arm was some kind of strange tribal looking tattoo that ran the length of her arm.  It was similar to a vine with intricate purple leaves.  It was extraordinary. 

She walked closer to me; it was almost as if she were studying me.  She might have been for all I knew.

“You are very strange looking,” she said.


She squinted her eyes at me like she didn’t know what to do with me. 

“Are you really from another planet?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered.

I still wasn’t sure I believed her, but I found myself wanting to.

“Can you tell me what planet?  Jupiter, Mars, Saturn?”

“No.  Those aren’t habited.”

“There are more planets?”

“Yes.  Galaxies full of planets exist.  Maybe more.”

“You’re kiddin’ me.”

“What does that mean?”

“It’s like a joke.”

“A joke?”

“Kinda like lyin’ for fun.”

“Why would someone lie for fun?”

“Because it’s funny.”

“Lying is not funny.”

“It can be,” I said laughing.  She stared back at me not saying a word.

“So, um, Ariyana right?”  I was slightly embarrassed, so I wanted to change the subject.


“How did you end up by my lake?”

“Quite by accident,” she answered, “I am sorry for intruding.”

“No, it’s fine.  I’m happy to meet you.”  I wasn’t lying.  She was an interesting character, even if she was crazy. 

She still stared back at me like I was an enigma.  If she really thought she was an alien, then she must’ve thought she was meeting a human for the first time.  It still confused me though.  She acted like I was the first person she’d come across.  If she’d lived on Earth, then why was she acting like she’d seen this planet for the first time today?  Had she recently lost her mind?  Maybe she’d been in an accident or something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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