a quadruple valentine's

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"i love you..."?

uh... ah!

umm... forgive me,

but i've never done this before, so...

i know that i'm not the best bean,

nor someone with all that bright a glow,

but today's pretty special, right?

so i thought i might do it...

we're kind of the same height

so it's easier to see eye to eye,

but until now i've never been able to say them

the three words before every tragedy

the three words, an illusive rhapsody

the three words, words that could change somebody...

i've never wanted to say them

because i was afraid of whether you'd conform to the system

saying either "yes" or "no",

the anxiety was too much to consider!

whether or not you see this letter,

whether or not you sense my hope,

i'm writing now to say what i never would--

phrased in ways i never could...

say these damn words, i know i should...

but before i get there, shall i say something else?

i admire a lot about you, truly

one of which is your personality...

i've always thought you acted like a puppy,

you love dogs so,

could it be that you were once a poodle?

no, that's not right.

although it's true that you like to doodle

it couldn't be...

were you once a poodle?

uh... ah!

umm... forgive me,

this has suddenly gotten long, so...

i'll skip to the climax, the final phrasing...

the thing is... simple, kind, caring...

i want to be your Valentine... or would that be too daring?



"w-who said they loved you?!"

'cause i certainly don't!

but if i did...

i'd send you bouquets from france,

chocolates from belgium,

and spacedust from mars...

but i certainly don't love you!

my heart skips a beat when you're around...

but that's only 'cause you always look like a clown!

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