Violin (WIP)

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I sit in the corner of this room

It is quite dark ,except for little bits of light

That flicker from the candles that are burning

On the wall, Forming shadows of the objects that fill the room

I move to my knees, crawling to the old door, light peeks through cracks

That lead to a hallway, which leads to more rooms

I hear a faint sound of music

A violin plays ,to the sorrow within

Tears spill from my eyes, as if it were a river

Blood courses through my veins

With every breath, as faint as the last

I hug my legs to me, & drift to another place

I hear sobs in the shadows, I feel a presence

Cold, mean, watching me, observing me 

Taking in my essence, til it is ready to pounce

I find myself falling over, but in slow motion

Feeling my head hit the ground, with a thud

Groaning at the pain that is forming, drifting…

I don’t know how long I have been here, or why I am here for that matter

I don’t remember anything, except this room, this cold, empty room

Like an under ground cave, with jails, that adorn a flimsy bed

A tray is placed on the table, with nothing on it but an empty plate

Which gets me to wonder, what happened to its contents

I roll over, having fallen, drifted to another world

Waking with a start, I slowly sit up, finding myself in a bed, looking around

Taking in my surroundings, but it is that same room I had been in this whole time

Everything is in its place, but a shiver courses through me, as I hear foot steps

They come closer, closer, closer…….

My heart is pounding in my chest, my head throbs, pulling the blanket up covering myself

I close my eyes, wishing, to be home, where I am safe, warm, happy….

The footsteps stop, the handle of the old door begins to turn, the door swings open slowly

A figure peeks around the door, I jump suddenly, but unmoving, paralyzed

But I see no face, no features to show who this person is, who this man is…???

But I see no face, no features to show who this person is, who this man is…???

No identity, to describe the man who has held me captive

He steps closer, admiring the site of me, movements deathly, but some how I cant look away from him

I feel drawn to him. I fear him, but respect him, for no apparent reason

I do not know this man, I tell myself…

But on his face, a mask, it hugs his high cheek bones, his lips, soft but firm, his eyes cold

But I can see his soul, his pain, his admiration for me…

He bends to sit on the edge of the bed, I am motionless, til he reaches to touch my face

He sees my tear stained cheeks, he cringes, knowing he has done this.

A grumble escapes his lips in frustration, slowly pulling his hand away, he whispers in a whisky voice

“ I’m sorry my dear, I never meant for things to turn out this way”….

Silence fills the air…. I look to him, drifting into the sea of his glare

Some how I find my voice, “ where am I, & why am I here?”

Such typical questions to ask…. The only chance I might have to speak, & I ask him those questions?

All he says before standing, “time, time will answer all of your questions”………..

WORK IN PROGRESS... Just Sharing What I Have So far...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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