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If you are younger than 12 years old you CANNOT watch the video above it has mature content and shows many things that only people who are older than 12 can ONLY understand. Now you can read ahead because I don't cuss and say any foul language for your young minds to comprehend and read so...READ ON!!!!!!!!!

When I was in the foster system and all I ever wanted was a mom. That was always my Birthday wish and Christmas wish. After a couple of years I knew it would never happen becuase then I just turned 12 and what I've heard was noone wants a teenager or well a pre-teen and I knew I would be the last one to be picked and my life got worse when I kept seeing little boys/girls get picked right in front of me and it literally breaks my heart seeing them happy when I know I will never be THAT happy. Then one day that all changed.

I woke up like usual and got dressed and braided my hair (I got taught by a girl older than me at the time to braid) and went downstairs for breakfast "like usual" and when I heard from the caretaker that someone was here to adopt.

Of course I say.

I rolled my eyes.

Ms. Lopez looked at me.

She's here to adopt a kid your age Ms. Lopez says.

I looked at her shocked.

That's the first I say.

Now go upstairs and clean your rooms and Avery you can show her around you will like this lady Ms. Lopez says.

How do you know that I say.

She is someone your very fond of and you take a liking to Ms. Lopez says.

Ok I say confused.

I go upstairs and clean my bathroom and room I am one of the lucky ones in this facility becuase I get my own room becuase well I did have a partner but she came of the age to move out she was 18 years old.

It took me only 10 minutes to do both my room and bathroom and I had my backpack ready.

Just in case I say to myself.

Inside my backpack contains my baby blanket (the one my birth mom gave to me before she left me at the police station down the street), my writing book/drawing book, my necklace(also what my birth mom gave me), pictures of where I went throughout my life, bracelets I got from my friends in California, The Red Pyramid(my favorite book so far), The Lost Hero(another favorite book), then some clothes.

I then heard Ms. Lopez call everyone downstairs.

I then hurried and got my backpack and put it next to the staircase but deep inside me I could hear a voice that said she won't pick me but I didn't let that get to me.

I then went downstairs.

Then I saw HER.

I stopped right where I was and I looked at her.

Why do I know her I say to myself.

Avery this is Idina she is looking for kids around your age Ms. Lopez says.

It's nice to meet you She says.

You too I say.

Avery how about you show her around Ms. Lopez says.

Ok I say.

I then showed her around and then we started talking.

So.....tell me about you She says. I've never been out of this state and I was born here I think and my birth mom gave me up and dropped me off at the police station down the street I say sadly.

I'm so sorry sweetie She says sincerely.

Thanks but your just saying that becuase you feel sorry for me I say.

No sweetie I'm just feel bad that you have to go through that She says.

Thank you for that but I bet your looking for someone else other than me I say.

Well that's not true She says.

I look at her confused.

Baby I'm picking you She says.

I look at her surprised.

What I say.

Yes ever since I saw you I felt connected somehow and I knew right away that your the one that will become my daughter She says.

Your picking me I say.

Yes She says.

I run up to her and hug her.

Thank you I say.

Your welcome She says.

Avery how about you go get your backpack and whatever you want to take with you from your room Ms. Lopez says.

Ok I say.

I then go upstairs and find my backpack right where I left it.

I put my backpack on and go back downstairs.

Ready She says.

Yah I say.

Avery you and Idina will come back so that she can sign some adoption papers then you will be her daughter for good Ms. Lopez says.

I look at Idina with a shocked face.

She just smiles.

Ok I say.

We then leave.

What do I call you I ask.

When it feels right you can call me mom,She says.

I look at her surprised.

So....can I call you mom now I say.

She looks at me surprised.

Only if you want  to She says.

Ok I say.

Then I knew from then on that she will forever be my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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