XD quotes ^-^

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there are three sides to an argument,

you side, my side, and he RIGHT side ^-^

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half, and palce it back in your back pocket XD

Who said nothing is impossible? O.O

I've been doing nothing for YEARRRS >_< ^-^

Hard work NEVER killed anyone...

But why take the chance? XD

We live in a world where pizza get's to your home...

BEFORE the police.

Doing nothing is VERY hard...

You never know when your finished

I don't have a drinking problem O.o

I am just really thirsty!

I always arrive late for work...

But i make it up by leaving early

The little dance your thumbs make when you don't know how to reply to a text XD

I'm shy at first...

But i do that most stupid and random stuff when i get close to someone ^-^

Life is not like a box of choclates...

It's more like a jar of Jalapenos,

what ever you do today,

might burn you butt tomorrow

When you feel that...

Nobody cares,

no one loves you,

Everyone is ignoring you,

you should really ask yourself...


When your friend says you can have a bite of their food,

So you go and take the most biggest and inhuanly bite ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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