Chapter 6

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I woke up seeing Niall sleeping. I got up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. Still thinking about the dream I was relieved but scared at the same time, it could happen anytime. I slowly got out of the bed carefully not waking Niall up. I made my way downstairs, my mother was fighting with my dad. "Derek all you do is sit around and cry how you have no money!" My dad was sitting at on the counter and got up and screamed his face was beaming red. "Well I cannot help it! You know it would feel good to have something!" My mother screamed back quickly" Well you have a family! If you're not grateful for what you have now then get out of my house!" My dad walked out of the chair without a word and slammed the door. I didn't know how to distract myself from what I just encountered. I grabbed an apple from the bowl of fruit. I heard the stairs creak Niall was coming downstairs. I bit into my apple to distract myself from him also. "Good morning" he said. I said in a concerned word. "Did you sleep well?" He smiled "Yes" I smiled back. I decided to go upstairs ad grab my phone. I find it awkward eating infront of people without distracting yourself from the awkwardness. I decided to text my friend Christina. She hated what I called her "Tina the llama" Yea... I started texting her.



Lol anyways I am with Niall :)

Awww that's so cute >:3

Shut up anyways gtg byeee!


I remember when I told Christina about my crush for Niall. But that crush got into something more from time to time. Tomorrow is the first day of school, hopefully I have some of the same classes with Niall. I don't even have any outfits! I am so unprepared but I don't care. I just go in some jeans and a T-shirt. Christina says I should dress up at least once. Its no use honestly, these are the years you will forget about. Just because you feel like your dying right that moment doesn't mean it will affect your life for the rest of it. Okay I talk to much in my head... I finished my apple and threw the rest of it in the garbage. "Hey Niall's want to go to the mall and get some pretzels?" He had a huge grin "Heck yeah!" I poked my mom and she turned around" Can you bring us to the mall?" She sighed "Fine" she grabbed the keys and walked out the door me and Niall followed after her. We entered the car and she put the key in and surprisingly it started smoothly. Usually it starts rough or doesn't even start at all! She backs away in the driveway in Reverse. I watch what she does for the future when I will have to drive. Which will be in about a year. I talk to Niall for a bit. "Hmm I wish I would be in some of your classes." I said, he shaked his head"Yeah it sucks how sometimes they split people up, but this year I want to try to be with Rachel." Okay that was just rude! I'm his best friend since birth and he has to tell me he wants to be in a class with Rachel just to get with her? I didn't respond to that. The car stopped and we are already here. We stepped out of the car and my mom rolled down the window" I will pick you up at 3:00!" She drove off and I looked at my cell-phones time. It was 2:00 I mean we where just getting pretzel's. I grabbed two pretzels for me and Niall while he was sitting at the table. I brought them and handed him one. I took large bites because all I had was an apple! He already had ate his because he's an absolute pig. When I saw next to us was a group and in that group was. Rachel, ooh my insides burned. Niall whispered" Can I hang with them? I want to be with Rachel and talk to her..." I nodded my head yes and he smiled and walked over to the table. I am tired of this, I got up from my table and walked straight out of the mall. Hoping he didn't noticed that I ditched him.

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