I know you - Tarot Virago Vignette

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He was eleven-years-old when he saw her for the first time. It was towards the beginning of the school year, and his home of Diagon Ally's usual bustle was riddled with students and their parents as it was every year. Only difference was he was among them this time.

He held on tightly to his Gogo's hand as they navigated the thicker than usual crowds. They were on their way to meet his aunts and uncles for a quick lunch before they all went shopping for their school supplies. He and Gogo had just passed Mr. Fortescue's shop when a sudden bright flash of color caught his attention. He turned his head towards where he saw the flash of color, and time seemed to stop.

A girl with hair as teal as a tropical lagoon around his age was walking between her parents smiling cheerfully as they argued playfully back and forth.

A very pretty girl...

"See, it's not that bad here. We just passed the ice cream parlor I was telling you about."

The girl's mother who also had an unusual hair color, but instead of teal it was sapphire blue, gave her husband an unamused look. "You think I can be bought of with ice cream?"

"Well..." The man turned looked down at his daughter before winking in an exaggerated matter. "If I'm remembering our first date correctly..."

The girl giggled as her mother playfully swatted at her father, and without warning looked directly at him. He felt his heart stutter as her dark eyes stayed locked on him for what felt like forever, but in reality was only a few moments, before smiling and waving at him. He felt his cheeks turn warm and his smiled back shyly and waved with the hand that wasn't holding Gogo's.

"I do promise though, you will never find a better wand anywhere, Olivander's makes the best."

He turned to Gogo and was ready to beg that they go to Mr. Olivander's shop first instead of eating, but the Leaky Cauldron was in sight as well as Dinah and Auntie Joy, the former of which ran up to him excitedly.

"Harry you'll never believe what happened!!!"

Harry looked for the teal haired girl as he was shopping with the others, but couldn't find her teal hair or kind smile anywhere.

Nor would he ever until the start of his third year.

Author's Note: This may or may not be canon... And I may or may not be posting a second version of this in the future 😈😈😈

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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