Chapter 1

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A/N Warning ⚠️
There will be mentions of rape and torture.
They say that when you die that your life flashes in front of you. I hoped that that theory was wrong. I didn't need or want to see my dark past.
I've lived a long hard life ever since I took my first breath. My mother was a kind and loving woman. A light in the darkness of my life. Not belonging in this cruel world, with such a cruel man as her husband. My stepfather. One of the most sadistic people ever to be born. When I was young I never understood why such a bright and beautiful woman as my mother could have loved a man as twisted and vile as my stepfather.
But after my 12th birthday, everything became clear, she had stayed with him for so long to protect me. Because his stench keep away the monsters but he was more of a monster than anything that I have ever faced.
And that evil and vile monster...killed her. And I wasn't there.
I thought I had let my past go. That I had finally after so many years of fighting finally found peace. But the Fates are cruel bitches. And I am their perfect punching bag after 3 years of quiet, they must have gotten bored.
And here I am facing my death at the hands of the person that I would have laid my life down for. Fell into Tartarus for. Turned down godhood for. Told her all about Gabe and what he had done to me.
Now she was using that against me, to torture me.
Her and Apollo.
I hung by my arms, the rope digging into my wrists but I could no longer feel it. They had gone numb weeks ago.
The pain and cold no longer registered. I no longer cared that I had nothing on as I hung there delirious from the lack of sleep and pain.
I gasped as I was pulled back from the brink of death almost crying out in desperation. I had been so close.
A cruel chuckled echo through the small room.
"Can't have you dying on us now can we." A sickly sweet voice said, their breath tickling my ear.
"Please." I gasped.
I hissed in pain when the person grabbed me by the hair pulling my head back.
"Now, now, Percy. I never took you as one to beg."
I opened my eyes to meet the bright golden orbs shining down at me with sadistic humour.
I licked my dry and cracked lips. "Just killed me."
"You would like that wouldn't you."
"Why are you doing this to me?" I croaked.
"Because I can. I've waited a long time to be able to have my way with you." Apollo wrapped his arms around me and bit into my shoulder. His fangs sinking into me easily. It took me a moment to realize that as he pressed into me that he wasn't wearing clothes. I began to feel dizzy as he drained me. It didn't take long for me to pass out from blood loss.
My whole body seemed to ache, especially from the waist down and my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes to look around. I sighed in relief when I saw no one but the empty dark room. I didn't know where I was but it must be somewhere secluded otherwise someone would have surely heard my screams.
How did this happen to me?
Annabeth, she betrayed me. She brought me here to be tortured by Apollo. I don't know how long I've been here, it seems like months. It could be for all I know.

It was a dreary and rainy day as I made my way to my mother's grave.       It has been 8 years since that monster killed her and I still blame myself every day for it. I blame Poseidon. If he loved my mother as much as he claimed to then he wouldn't have left her with that bastard. If he loved me as much as he claimed to he wouldn't have let Gabe do the things that he did to me.
I stopped as I came to her grave, falling to my knees I placed my forehead on top of her tombstone.            "I miss you so much mom," I whispered as tears gathered.
I heard a branch snap close by. My head whipped up as my hand went to my pocket, where I had Riptide.
"It's just me, Seaweed Brain."                    "Wise girl." I gave her a small smile as I turned back to Mom's grave.
I felt her kneel beside me and place her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Oh, I know. That's not why I'm apologizing. I don't give a damn about your mother." She sneered.
I looked over at her confused. I stumbled away from her when I saw the cruelty in her eyes.
"Oh shut up. Stop your whining. That's all you do. My mother is dead. Boohoo. My father doesn't love me. Gabe molested me and whored me out to his friends. Just SHUT UP!"
I gaped at her as she threw everything I had ever said to her into my face.
"What is wrong with you?!"
She started laughing but it wasn't the beautiful laugh that I was use to, it was evil and filled with hate.
"I'm tired of pretending that I love you. I despise you. And now I'm going to finally be rid of you." She pulled out a golden dagger that had two sea-green diamonds and a soft grey one like her eyes. I had it made for her after the war.
"Annabeth what are you doing?"
"You're such an imbecile. I am going to kill you."                                                        "Was none of it real?"
"No. I am in love with someone else. I was the whole time."
She came at me with such speed that I couldn't even uncap Riptide. I screamed in pain when her dagger pierced my stomach. I tried pushing her off but I was no match her strength.
My vision started to blur and my body started to go limp.
"Hold on there, little one."
I felt Annabeth pull away from me.
"Apollo, what are you doing here?"
Apollo? Yes, thank the gods.
"You can't kill him."
"And why not?"
"I haven't tasted him yet."
No. Nononono. Dad help me!
"Daddy dearest can't hear, sea prince." Apollo laughed.
"Wake up!"
I groaned as someone grabbed my face. Opening my eyes a crack. Intelligent grey eyes stared back at me.
"You better pray I never get free." I groaned out.
She threw her head back and laughed.
"Don't worry seaweed brain you won't be here much longer." She grinned.
She stepped away from me and Apollo replaced her. He also had a bright smile on his face.
"Seems daddy dearest has finally noticed his precious son missing. After 9 months. Not a very good father is he."
I would have been relieved but I noticed the twisted look in his eyes before he placed his finger on my forehead and I passed out.
I shifted as I woke up. The first thing I realized was that my arms were no longer tied above my head but behind my back and around a post. The second thing was that I was outside.
I opened my eyes to look around.
A/N Give you a warning some messed up shit is about to go down.
Apollo and Annabeth stood in front of me. Annabeth was holding a torch.
I began to panic when I smelt the faint stench of gasoline. I looked down at my feet to see branches surrounding me. I was tied to a stake and they planned to burn me.
"Please! Don't do this!"
"I think this is even better than I had planned. The son of the sea killed by fire." Annabeth grinned as she dropped the torch.
In seconds the flames were nipping at my feet and travelling up my legs. At first, nothing happened but then my powers seemed to fail me and I screamed out in agony.
I could hear Apollo and Annabeth hooting and laughing.
The pain seemed to go on forever but suddenly everything stopped.
A/N K the messed up shit is over for now.
I hesitantly opened my eyes. I almost began to panic when all I saw was darkness but then a single light appeared and in that light stood the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was tall with flaming red hair and bright green eyes.
"Perseus, what a pleasant surprise." She said, flirtatiously, looking me up and down. As I was still naked.

 "Who are you?" "I suppose you don't recognize me in this form

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"Who are you?"
"I suppose you don't recognize me in this form." She pouted.
I raised a brow, not saying anything.
"Artemis. Goddess of the Moon and Hunt. Ring any bells."
I looked her up and down again. She was wearing a short white and gold dress that hugged her curves perfectly.
"You're Artemis? I thought you looked like a 7-year-old little girl?"
"I do sometimes. But enough of that. You want vengeance."
"I do," I answered without hesitation.
"Well, it's your lucky day because I can help you with that."
"In exchange for revenge, all I require is your soul and loyalty."
"Oh is that it. Just my soul it's not like I need that."
She glared at me, placing her hands on her hips. "I could just leave and you can be on your way to DOA Recording to spend the rest of eternity waiting to move on."
I realized that she was right, I had died without any drachmas on me and I doubt that Apollo or Annabeth would have placed on me.
"What does this entail?" I asked.
"You would work for me as one of my elite immortal warriors."
"Alright, I'm in. I'm going to destroy Apollo and Annabeth."
"Yeah, he and Annabeth tortured and burnt me alive."
"Damn. You can't kill Apollo."
"Why the hell not?!"
"Because you kill him you destroy the world. He is directly connected to the sun. He dies so does the sun, along with everything else."
"Seriously! Fine, I won't kill him."
"Alright, you have 24 hours to exact your revenge. Find a man by the name Acheron when you're done." Artemis said before placing her hand on my shoulder.
There was a bright silvery light before everything went to black.

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