Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Frosch tried to stare Lector down but he was tired and disappointed, so he left it at, "I can't tell you."

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Lector blinked in surprise, "We're best friends aren't we?"

Frosch nodded, he was about ready to cry. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all, everyone was unhappy, and he'd gotten Happy involved without even talking to him. Scratch that he was going to cry.

"Hey, don't cry!" Lector quickly moved to give Frosch a hug, "You don't have to tell me anything, okay?"

"It's not that!" Frosch wailed, "I made everything worse."

Lector looked at him for a moment and groaned, "Frosch, I keep telling you to leave it alone. They'll figure it out eventually."

"I just want them to be happy," Frosch sniffled, and Lector hugged him again.

"I know," Lector grabbed Frosch's hand and pulled him gently towards Rogue's room, "Come on, let's go to bed. Things will look better in the morning."


Sting had been hard at work in his office all morning. If there was one thing he hated about being a Guild Master, it was that there was always paperwork to get done. His mages were fairly responsible, he could only shudder at the amount of paperwork someone like Makarov had to deal with regularly.

He'd been thankful to see that both Rogue and Rufus had pitched in while he was gone, but there was a rather large pile still to be done, and today's batch hadn't even been delivered yet. Sting had just placed his head down on his desk for a brief rest when there was a knock on his door, and with a groan, he recognized Minerva's scent. She came in without waiting for his reply and dumped the daily delivery from the Magic Council on his desk.

"Never ends, huh?" Minerva stepped behind him and massaged his shoulders for a few glorious minutes. She slapped him on his back playfully and smirked, "There, now you can't say I never did anything for ya." She snorted and left him to his devices.

Sting sighed, momentarily refreshed by the massage and opened the container to see the new batch of papers that awaited his inspection. A brightly covered piece of paper caught his attention, and he looked at it first.

Apparently, the Magic Council was ordering a guild exchange to foster better relationships between the guilds after the Grand Magic Games. Sting groaned to himself, no way that was going to go well. He looked down the list to see who Sabertooth had been paired with, not at all surprised to see they had gotten Fairy Tail.

He might as well call Makarov to discuss who they would be sending, at least it was a change from the mounds of paperwork. He got out his lacrima and called the Fairy Tail Guild.

"This is the Fairy Tail Guild," Sting could hear Mirajane Strauss's voice clearly, "How can I help you? Oh, hello Master Sting!"

"Hey, Mira! Is Master Makarov around?" Sting fiddled with the ribbons on his sleeve as he waited for her response.

"Yes, he is!" Mira replied cheerfully, "I'll go find him for you."


Master Makarov appeared on the screen, the reddish hue on his cheeks and the slightly tipsy smile on his face letting Sting know the Fairy Tail Master had already begun drinking for the day, "Sting, my boy! How are you?"

"Just fine, sir. How about yourself?"

"Can't complain, the brats have been quieter than usual," Makarov replied, still smiling, "What's this about?"

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