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Okay so as you can see in the title, this isn't a Why Don't We boyxboy scene. I know it's been a while since I've updated and I apologize for that. School is really important to me and I have to work for it more than I expected but it's worth it. To my regret, I have been writing a lot less these past couple of months. If I had time to write, I was working on a request I got more than a months ago but I've also been working on a story I've been thinking about for almost 2 years. I've been writing random scenes that will be in my story but lately I've been thinking more and more about actually writing it decently, with all scenes in the correct order and stuff.
That's why I'm asking you guys for your opinion! Recently I've written my prologue and I'd like to know what you think about it. I don't want you say it's all good (of course you can say that too if that's what you think), I need some feedback. I'm pretty confident of my writing but I feel like something's missing whenever I try to write one of the scenes for my story.


Amber and her brother have not always been this close. When Kyle was sixteen he met Catherine, they moved in together at the age of nineteen. Amber was thirteen back then. She felt left alone because, even though she had a sister too and she did like Catherine, she had been looking up to her older brother since she was little. One day she was going to be as smart and awesome – as she said it – as him. But the fact that Kyle almost disappeared out of her life when she was only thirteen, broke her heart. For two years, Amber shared all important moments – all the joy, all the pain - with her sister and parents. Kyle did reply to her texts but he came over only few times.

Things changed when Amber was fifteen, her life changed. She got traumatized forever, seeing a drama happen in front of her eyes. Sobbing she called her brother at 2 am. At first he was annoyed she woke him up in the middle of the night but once she had explained what happened, Kyle immediately took some stuff, got into his car and rushed back to his old house. His sister and mother were waiting for him in the garden, on the front of the house. Nothing could stop the tears from falling. After the worst part was over, he went inside with his family where he grabbed a soda, only to burst out in tears only seconds later. Catherine called him at least ten times, wondering why her boyfriend left in the middle of the night but he didn't have the strength to answer or call back that evening or the day after. He refused to go to college too. He stayed there a few days. Catherine kept calling, fifteen times a day. A few times she left a desperate voicemail, begging Kyle to come home or at least let her know he's doing fine. A few days later he went back to the place he shared with his girlfriend. He explained what happened and told her he was moving back in with his sisters, they needed help. Catherine understood. He would come back.

We're 2019 now, seven years later. Years passed quickly. Kyle, 28 years old now, lives with Catherine and four years ago, they got married. Two years ago, they welcomed a new member to the family: a son named Nick. Everyone loves him and always wants to pinch his cheeks. They sold their apartment and with that money and Kyle's heritage, they bought a bigger house so they would have space for the second kid they would like to have.

Amber had to change her life plans drastically. After high school, she was planning on going to college to study something that involved language. She didn't know what exactly but something that involved languages. She wanted to work as a teacher. In her free time she would be able to work on her hobby: writing. Ever since she was little, it fascinated her how some people could play with words the way they did. All she wanted was to be able to do that too. She practiced and her hard work paid off. When she finished her first real story, written in her spare time, she decided to give a shot and send it to a publisher. Nervously she waited for an email back. They loved it and her book got published. She wrote more books and the world seems to love it. Now she's twenty two, she didn't go to college is a famous writer.

And their sister Emily, who's the middle sibling, she found a job at an ice cream shop. She started years ago and she still loves every day. The smile an kids' faces when they receive their ice on a cone, is worth all the work it takes to make it. And don't get her started on the cute seventy year old couple that comes to the shop every week and always takes the same. The man takes one scoop chocolate ice cream, the lady chooses a scoop vanilla and a scoop strawberry ice cream. They're really sweet, they even complemented her when she dyed her hair purple a few months ago. Emily lives in the old house of the Hart family, which she shares with her two friends: Tessa and Samantha.

Tears of happiness still fall from Amber's face to the ground when she searches for her brother's contact in her phone. She finds it and clicks it. It rings. She raises her hand to eye height and smiles at the sight of the beautiful ring around her finger.

♥ Why Don't We BoyxBoy One Shots ♥ [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now