The Misty Fog

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The mist swirls and rolls up from the water every morning....beginning each new day.... wrapping the world in a shroud of misty, foggy whiteness.

Each day ends the same way, tucking the land into a pillowy white softness, sending it into a fantasy dream world. 

I lived where it did this, once upon a time.....

At first it is eerily quiet...right before the dawn...

There's not a sound to be heard but your own soft breathing......maybe the lonesome cry of a loon....

You can barely see your hand before your eyes..... it is hush, hush quiet.....shhhhhh.... 

Your breath is one with the moistness of the fog .....its delicious coolness is on your tongue and in your throat........breathe in....breathe .out....slowly......ahhhhh.......

The world is wrapped in the billowy fabric of it..........You feel as if it buoys you gently as you sense the new day about to begin.

As if led by a conductor, birds begin their song..... first one then another ... you can't see them, only hear them in this cushy, fluffy, blanket of moist, misty fog....

As the sun starts his slow ascent from behind the mountain where he's been snoring through the night, he sends his long tendrils reaching out through the fog.....trying to touch each leaf, each rock, the water,.the trees.............. your cheek...

The trees are covered with the mist...they feel its foggy ghostly fingers reach through the limbs and pluck at the leaves......

Ahhhhh............You don't want this wonderful dream to

As the sun fights the misty fog for possession of the world........A new day begins...........

At day's end.........the process begins

@lkrice 9-19-2014 

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