Chapter 21: Bird Feeder And Rogues

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Now that I got my pickles...time to write.

But seriously. Pickles have been sent from God himself because they are sooooo delicious.

And also. I am so tired of adulting. I just spend $200 on fucking groceries. I'm sick of needing food to live lmao. But to be fair, I do buy a lot when I go there so I don't have to go to Walmart as often. Don't like people XD

And do you know what I also hate?? When you're on tinder and you find a cute guy but it's a group photo. So you're praying to God that it's the cute one and when you flip to the next photo, it's not the one you want. Sad day.

Anywhore. On with the chapter



"So." Hecate winked as I walked through the door. "How was it?"

I rolled my eyes and watched as Ares went back into the forest to take his post. "It was good."

"What did you guys talk about?" She asked as I placed her meal on the table. "And thank you for the sushi."

"Just kind of this and that." I said. "He talked a little about his past and I didn't say a lot of mine."

"Are you going to ever tell him?" She asked as she opened up the box and sniffed the food.

"Probably not." I laughed shaking my head as I reached to fix the zipper on my boot.

"He is a king. With his resources, it's only a matter of time before he finds out you know." Hecate pointed out before taking a bite.

I nodded with a laugh. "Then we'll talk about it then."

"Why don't you want to tell him?"

"I don't know." I shrugged and walked over to the cabinets. "You've seen him. The minute I tell him what happened, he's going to hunt down everyone from my pack and probably kill them."

"Maybe not."

"Do you really believe that?" I asked giving her a pointed look.

"No." She sighed. "But honesty is always the best way to go. Especially if you want things to work out between you two. You have to communicate."

"Well, technically I'm not lying to him. I'm just withholding information."

"That's the same thing." She laughed. "Where are you going?"

"I noticed the bird feeders were empty." I explained when I took the birdfeed bag off the shelf. "I was going to go refill them."

"Can I come with?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled with a nod.

"Sweet." She said as she placed the box of sushi on the table and walked out the front door with me.

"Where are you going?" A male voice asked.

Hecate and I both screamed and turned around to see Jason.

"What the hell!" Hecate yelled as she clutched her chest. "I think you just gave me a heart attack."

"Me too." I panted as I glared at Jason.

"Way to go." Achilles laughed as Jason's face turned a slight shade of red.

"I'm really sorry my Queen. I didn't mean too." Jason apologized and picked up the bag off the ground.

"It's okay." I said waving him off. "And you can just call me Athena. It's still weird hearing people call me Queen."

"Noted." He smiled and handed the bag back to me.

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