Bit Background

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Count  Kinkinsee   --  a tall, handsome, vampire in existence since sixteen hundreds.  He was born vampire when his mother Countess  Kinkinsee was bitten by a vampire at the time of his conception. Born six months premature, he has dominating  vampiric  physical and emotional attributes.

Father O’Leary  --   a ruthless, overzealous, priest, 65,  whose life’s aim is to destroy evil creatures. He will stop at nothing.

Narrator   --   a city, unemployed, science PhD, Indian, 30, working as a laborer and a  voluntary, part-time, teacher.

Doc  --  the town’s native medical man, 60, practicing a small GP.

Sheena  --  the angelic, heavenly-dipped, sheltered, sister-in-law, 24, of  the Count.

Bala  --  the native, potential, wife-to-be of the narrator, 26, running the local groceries shop of her parents.

Count Kinkinsee -- The Milk Drinking VampireWhere stories live. Discover now