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It's been 5 weeks and she send a latter every week
But today mom said she wanted to talk to me and Harvey

Boys she says
Yh we boy say
Sit she says and looks at us
Me and Harvey sit across from mom
The real reason why isn't like the name ida is...she says
What Harvey asks
She sighs
U guys arnt twins se says
Wego wide yes and confused
So we are single kids Harvey say with sad in his eyes.si he does care for me
No your ummm triplets she finally gets out
WHAT i yell
Calm down she says
Who our other sibling
Is it a boy is it a girl i ask
Wait mom hated us saying ida...It's ida She's our other sibling Harvey puts all he pieces together
Yes she is she says
Her imstagram used i be ida.m but now its idarose if u want to text her she says and wlaks off leaving me and Harvey wide eyed

Contact her Harvey demands
I look her up and see she's live
Harvey shall we join her live i ask
Let's do it he says
We both sit down and he watches me press on her live
It takes a second for her fanso to shout in text maxandharveys here
Idarose:oh hey max and Harvey
Fan.how do they know her
Maxandharvey:hey ida
Idarose:how r u boys
Maxandharvey:were good wbu
Idarose:im good

We were on the live till she ended it and hats when i started to text her
P:hey wouldn't mom tell u off for contacting me
M:no she told us about the story and said we could
P:we should meet up
M:u live in Cali and were in England
P:right forgot

I wanna see ida  Harvey scream
But how i whine
The Cali tour he says
Huh i ask
Tour is when we can see her cos we get there before tour happens he says
Great idea
M:our tour we can see u
I:rrly omg yayy
M:our tours in 2 days we leave

letters.max and harveyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant