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The sounds of sword grew closer and before they knew it, they came upon Guren fighting one on one with a vampire.

Guren was pinned to a boulder, a sword in his shoulder.

Yuu's eyes widened, "Guren!!!" He started to charge forward, "damn you vampire!!"

Mikaela turned in annoyance, but he paused and let out a gasp, "Y-Yuu-Chan...."

Yuu's blade stabbed Mikaela in the gut but as he looked up he couldn't activate the curse, "Mi...Mika?"

Guren groaned from his place as the other squad members ran close, "Activate the curse!"

Yuu shook his head lightly, "I can't..." he stammered.

Mikaela jumped back as an arrow shot at him by Yoichi.

"Yoichi! Stop it!" Yuu yelled to he brunette.

No one said a thing for a beat before Yuu turned to Mikaela, "is that you... is it really you Mikaela??"

Mikaela's eyes widened a fraction and his heart fluttered, "Yuu-Chan... Yuu-Chan!! It is you!!!" He yelled, running forward and tackling Yuuichirou in a hug.

Shinoa and the rest of squad was in shock, "What the hell?"

"Mika, you shouldn't even be here, how did you get here??" Yuu asked, his eyes narrowed.

Mikaela frowned and got up from Yuu, "I was trying to find you, Yuu-Chan... it's been years..."

Guren winced as he finally stood up, "Yuu, you know this vampire?" He asked, his tone of annoyance yet curiosity.

Yuu nodded, "Everyone... this is Mikaela Tepes, prince of the Vampires and the son of Queen Krul Tepes." He introduced.

"YOURE FRIENDS WITH THE PRINCE OF OUR EMEMY?!" Mitsuba screeched as she landed a solid hit to Yuu's back.

"Don't touch him!" Mikaela shouted, his eyes cold.

"I'm fine Mika, that's just how she is," Yuu sighed and faced them, "look, Mika and Krul aren't evil, in fact they're against the attacks on humanity as well."

Guren frowned, "you're certain?"

"I'm positive, besides, Mika doesn't even drink human blood. He survives off the blood of his mother or birds." Yuu spoke confidently.

"Bird blood?" Shinoa asked incredulously.

Mikaela frowned, "would you rather I be a heartless monster?"

"No, its just surprising."

"Yuu-Chan, we've got to get out from the open. Ferid's squadron is following me." Mika warned.

"That pervert is still after you?" Yuu blinked, "Guren we should find cover, Ferid isn't good news. He's also a noble but he likes to 'play' with his food."

Guren nodded, "Alright squad! We're heading to the subway, we can use an incantation to hide the entrance and our smell." He declared.

"Are we seriously traveling with a vampire?" Kimizuki asked angrily,

Mikaela faced him, "If you have a problem with it I'll happily fight you on it."

"Mika, don't, we know you're stronger than a regular noble so don't even try," Yuu sighed as the group walked forward.

Needless to say, Shinya was more than surprised to see a vampire tagging along, in fact he exclaimed, "what the fuck were you thinking?!" To Guren.

"He can help us! He's a prince and he hates vampires! He'll be a double!" Guren argued back.

"In my defense, I don't like humans either, except for Yuu-Chan." Mikaela added simply.

"This is such a mess," Mitsuba groaned.

"I think it's entertaining!" Shinoa mused with a maniac look to her eyes.

"Mikaela, you're going to have to explain everything. Tonight."

"I understand."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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