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"Yuu, why are you so dead set on killing vampires?"

Someone important

"Why do you hate them so much?"

Not all

"Yuu, what drives you to keep living?"

Yuuichirou ignored those questions each time they were asked. He always stated he wanted revenge for his family, but his family... well... they weren't dead.

In fact... they were the exact species he was fighting against. Swearing to kill.

Shinoa noticed the darkened expression on Yuu's face and she walked over, "you can ignore those questions, you do anyways, but don't think about them."

Yuu just looked at her and nodded, "Yeah... you're right." He hummed in thought as they stood side by side, staring out at the sunset.

"It's beautiful, huh...?"

"Yeah.... kinda looks like Mitsu's hair." Shinoa giggled.

Yuu snorted, "true," he had a small grin and the two decided to head back inside.


Mikaela sighed as he paced around the throne room. He was biting his bottom lip, drawing a bit of blood.

"Mikaela, you're the one who wanted to let him escape."

"Yes... he hated it here... I didn't want him to hate me too..."

"Then why are you pacing?"

"Because... I thought we would at least see him again..." Mika spoke with a small frown.

Krul stood up from her throne and cracked her fingers, "Well then, why not go on another on of your excursions? You go at least once a week,"

"How did you-"

"Please, it's my kingdom, I know when my own son leaves," Krul grinned, "just make sure a certain idiot doesn't follow you."

Mika shivered as the picture of Ferid Batheroy popped into his head. "Yes, mother," he bowed and left the room to get ready.


Guren and Shinya stood in front of Shinoa's squad, "Alright you guys, today we'll be doing a rescue mission. There is an old subway that collapsed and trapped a group of people inside. Shinya will go with you to supervise and I will be scouting the area to see if a Horseman appeared and caused the incident, any questions?"

No one batted an eye, it seemed like an easier mission than they were used to, so it was kind of a relief.

For everyone except Yuu but that was the norm.

The damage hadn't been too bad, it collapsed at the entrance so they had Shinoa use her scythe as did Yoichi to clear the rubble.


Guren couldn't see any Horseman lying around or roaming around for that matter. He did see, however, a figure cloaked in White in the distance.

"Damn vampire..."

He pulled out his sword quickly and stood in an offensive yet defense stance.

The vampire turned once they heard the sword being drawn. Their eyes narrowed, "you really don't want to pick a fight with me."

"Oh, but I do," Guren smirked and raised his blade.

The vampire sighed and charged forward, slamming their sword against Guren's, sending him flying back,  though he landed on his feet,

Guren narrowed his eyes, "you aren't some lowly vampire, you're a noble," he commented.

The vampire tugged down his hood to reveal it was Mikaela (though Guren had no idea who that was). "You are correct. Understand that you won't be able to win this fight on your own, I don't want to waste time with you," he spoke coldly.

"Fine with me, I'll just make this quick," Guren came up fast, catching Mikaela's surprise as he was cut around the abdomen.

"Have it your way," Mikaela gripped his thorned sword and attacked back.


Shinya looked at the sky with a concerned expression.

"What's wrong, sir?" Yoichi asked, albeit a bit timidly.

Shinya narrowed his eyes slightly, "I think... I heard sword fighting..." he spoke.

Yuuichirou and Shinoa both appeared as he said that and they started to listen closely.

There it was, the changing of blades.

"A vampire must have ambushed him!" Kimizuki pointed out.

"Oh no! We have to help him!" Mitsuba gasped.

Shinya nodded and then looked to the group of people, "I have to stay here, but You as a group can go help him, besides, my cursed gear is good for distance so if you need help, just yell."

They all nodded and started to run in the direction of the fighting.

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