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Ryes P.O.V

         I felt bad for making Andy cry, i know how he is i should have known better. I wake up and nobody is next to me. I miss waking up to Andy's face everyday. We used to sleep in the same bed every night because we would watch movies and stuff or we would just be talking or sometimes we just needed it. Nicole told me that had to stop though. She said a lot of things had to stop. She literally wrote me a list.

                                                                          Nicole's list of no no's:

              1. No kissing. Not even for the randy shippers

2. no cuddling at night. (you are allowed to in videos)

              3. I love you's have to be brought down to a minimum of four per day (off camera) five per day (on camera)

             4. I am first option of use of free time meaning dont ask him first, ask me if i'm not available as whoever you please

5. never forget that I love you more than anyone ever will                                                                                       xoxo love you baby

      I thought a list seemed a bit controlling but I also understood that she is just doing what she thinks is best for the relationship so why would I try to stop that.  Honestly I know andy wouldn't make a list like that and it seems nice but I can't be with andy. I know that im gay but i just cant admit it. I know that I love Andy but i just cant admit it. I know im using Nicole to get him off my mind but i just cant admit it.

      I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see him there with the sun pouring in through the windows and down onto his skin. It makes me want to just kiss him all over but I cant. Something takes over me though and I go and wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek. I dont care at this point. Nicole doesn't have to know. He continues making his tea with a smile. "Goodmorning" he says. "Goodmorning" I say and rest my chin on his shoulder. "What ya doin?" he asks me probably confused at the sudden affection. "huggin you" I say and he lets out a little laugh. He turns around to face me and i see his beautiful eyes. so blue. "Why?" he says smiling super big and letting out another cute laugh. "cuz i want to" i say. He squirms out of my arms and i frown. He then grabs his tea and smirks at me as he steps out the back door and sitting in a chair looking at horse out in the field next to our house.

     I shake my head and make myself some tea then I hear loud noises above me and get really confused. it sound like someone is hitting the wall. Then i realize Jacks room is above me and him and brook slept in the same bed last night sooo. I cringe at the fact they are having sex right above me but im also kind of jealous i dont have that type of relationship with Andy. I grab my tea and join Andy outside. "It's really nice today" I say. "yeah we should do something fun today" he says. I nod and lower my stance. "what are you doing." i ignore him trying to figure out a route then he says "oh my god your doing your freakin flips and jumps again" he says rolling his eyes. and then i sprint and jump up and down and flip on and over and through things like our shed through the woods and more.

      I finsh with a frontflip landing in front of him and wipe my forehead and notice im sweating a lot so i take off my shirt trying to cool down and see fovvs eyes glued to me. "like what you see" I ask with a smirk. His eyes snap up to meet mine then he smirks and says "you wish" walking back inside. I watch his ass move as he walks inside then right before he walk away he turns around and smirks says "like what you see?" and walks back into the house. He's so sassy it makes me want to rip his clothes off his body.  Wait. No rye you cant be doing this. you have to be in love with nicole even if you dont want to.

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