20 question

35 0 18

1. I have a personality disorder

2. I always feel like I'm being watched

3. Love the Japan culture

4. Loves horror and Rpg games

5. Age:??? Never gonna tell you

6. I almost murdered three ppl last year

7. Swear a lot

8. Mental

9. I don't know who the fuck Steve is!!!

10. I admire masks

11. I learn to hide emotions

12. Stay up on a school night

13. I love creepypasta

14. My favorite animals are wolves,owls, and smile dog

15. Short tempered

16. Spend all day on the interweaves

17. I'm a yaoi fangirl

18. Umm......I like Cryoatic Monki

19. Draws

20. I get lost easily in a store or convo


Happy Wolf Senpai?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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