Step 2:Learn how to count

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Learn to count. Knowing how to count is an essential skill in any language. Counting in Korean can be tricky, as Koreans use two different sets of cardinal numbers, depending on the situation: Korean and Sino-Korean, which originated from Chinese and has some of its characters.[3]

Use the Korean form for numbers of items (between 1 and 99) and age, e.g. 2 children, 5 bottles of beer, 27 years old. Here's how to count to ten in the Korean form:

One = 하나 pronounced "hana"

Two = 둘 pronounced "dool"

Three = 셋 pronounced "se(t)"(" t" is not pronounced)

Four = 넷 pronounced "ne(t)"

Five = 다섯 pronounced "da-seo(t)"

Six = 여섯 pronounced "yeoh-seo(t)"

Seven = 일곱 pronounced "il-gop"

Eight = 여덟 pronounced "yeoh-deohlb"

Nine = 아홉 pronounced "ahop"

Ten = 열 pronounced "yeohl"

Use the Sino-Korean form for dates, money, addresses, phone numbers, and numbers above 100. Here's how to count to ten in Sino-Korean:

One = 일 pronounced "il"

Two = 이 pronounced "ee"

Three = 삼 pronounced "sam"

Four = 사 pronounced "sa"

Five = 오 pronouched "oh"

Six = 육 pronounced "yuk"

Seven = 칠 pronounced "chil"

Eight = 팔 pronounced "pal"

Nine = 구 pronounced "goo" ( Mostly It is "koo")

Ten = 십 pronounced "ship"

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