Chapter 11

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!Attention: English is not my first language. So if you find any mistakes, feel free to write it in the comments. I wanna learn from my mistakes and improve my english skills♥

This week was over so quickly, before I realized it, it was sunday morning which meant Alastor had to go. My mom already knew about it, so it was no surprise for her but for me ... it was really hard to put up with. Cause within those seven days I kind of accepted my still growing feelings for this idiotic demon. He didn't know how much I was in love cause I kept it a secret this whole time but that, of course, didn't stop him from flirting with me. Anyways ... gladly I wasn't pregnant after our little hook-ups, so Alastor was right when he told me I can't give birth to a demon child. Thank god! I have no clue how I would tell Mark about a demon baby. Alastor and I sat on my bed, enjoying each other's company. I laid on my back just like him but his head rested on my stomach. We didn't speak a single word this whole time but the silence was getting on my nerves. I sighed and looked down at him. "Hey Al? Do you really have to go? Can't they just make it through this extermination on their own?" He sat up straight, straightening his suit. "I'm afraid they can't, my love. Those idiots are just too incompetent. They rely on me that I help  them in their misery." I sat up as well, my gaze never leaving him. "Do you still don't know when you'll come back?" I couldn't hide my sadness, what the demon noticed. He really changed a bit in the last week. For example: he stopped making fun of me and even started to be nice to me. He took me to other interesting cities like Rome or Venice. Those trips really made my day back then but they couldn't make me forget that Alastor has to leave today. "I absolutely don't know, my little fawn. But I will do everything to return as soon as possible. I promise." He gave me a toothy grin but I was not in the mood to be happy nor smile. The demon sat in front of me and cupped my face with his hands. "Y/N. Please don't be sad. Always remember this when I'm gone: You're never fully dressed without a smile! Soo, where is that adorable smile of yours which I love?" I can't help but smile. "Ah! There it is!" He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and let go of my face. "I'll miss you, old man." I laughed but Alastor placed his hand over the spot where his heart was and fell dramatically back on the bed. "Ouch! That really hurt me, dear. Besides, I thought you hate me? What changed your mind? Don't tell me you started to like me after our .... conversation in the café," his smile grew and I was slowly about to look like a tomato. Quickly, I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up! I just thought I should stop being so mean to you. Is that wrong?" I tried to calm down when he took the pillow and threw it back at me. "No, not at all, dear. It's just ...," he stopped in the middle of the sentence. "It's what?" I asked curious but he shook his head. "Nothing. I apologize. I don't know what has come over me." I nodded skeptically. Is he hiding something? I wanted to reply when suddenly his microphone began glowing like crazy. "It has began. I better get going and help those useless souls." The radio demon stood up and took his staff. "I'll see you soon my love," he smiled at me and before he could vanish, I hugged him tight. That startled him at first but then he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Please be safe and come back ..." I whispered and felt how he tensed up. Alastor lifted my chin up with his finger so he could look into my eyes. "I promise, dear. You have my word." I nodded when he kissed me all of a sudden. It was a desperate, yet soft kiss. As if he wanted to express something like he doesn't want to leave. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Alastor?! Where are you!? We could use some help here!!" A voice sounded through my room. The demon growled in annoyance and we parted. His staff was still glowing and I guess that's where the voice came from. "Did you hear her? Get your ass over here, you pompous cheesy talkshow shitlord!!" That woman sounded really pissed and aggressive. I looked up at Alastor in surprise. He laughed nervously and fake coughed. "You see, Vaggie doesn't quite trust me because of the things I've done in the past." "Oh really? I can't understand why she doesn't trust a serial killer. Unbelievable," I murmured sarcastically and shook my head. He rolled his eyes and gave me another quick kiss on the lips. "I should really go now. We will see us soo-...." He was cut off. "Alastor!! We really need your help!" The more normal voice said. After that I heard some kind of explosions and screams in the background. "Is that ... Charlie?" He nodded in response. "She sounds nice. I'm sure she is, too." "Yes and naive and far too kind-hearted." "Yooo! Where's my lovely Deer Daddy?? Get your sweet ass over here before I'll come and get ya~!" .... Okay ... that was someone complete different and ... was he flirting with Al? He looked really uncomfortable and ready to kill this certain someone. I heard him whispering something like 'Angel ... Dust'? What does he wanna do with Angel Dust?? Is this something special in hell? Unfortunately, I didn't have time to ask him. "You better go now," I laughed and he sighed. "I'll see you soon, my love~"

[1 year later] (Timeskip, because I can)

Alastor was now back in hell for over a year but still hasn't return yet. Did he forget me? Or is he maybe even dead? The only thing I know was that he didn't come back as he promised. And after 6 months I lost any hope that he would return anytime. In the meantime, I moved into my own appartement even tho my mom cried and begged for me not to leave but I need to move on. Mark an I .... well ... uhm ... we ... we are enganged but we didn't start planning the wedding yet cause we thought we had enough time to think about a perfect date. Beside the fact that I'm 21 now, I found a job as a waitress. And I also have to new friends which work in the same restaurant as me: Lisa and Mary and let me tell you, those two gurls are angels!! I can't imagine a life without them. They get along with Mark pretty well and everything was perfect. Okay, not everything. I have to admit that I still have feelings for that self-regarding stupid demon but he won't come back to me so I need to suppress them (the feelings). I sat on my sofa and played with my engagement ring on my finger. Mark was in the bedroom, getting dressed cause we woke up just a few minutes ago. I even lie to him when I say 'I love you'. I won't ever love him, he's just not my type. I mean he is nice and cute and everything but ... no it doesn't work for me. I couldn't even say 'no' when he proposed to me ... I was so sad that Alastor broke his promise that I could have agreed to everything as long as I could forget the sadness. And now, I can't bring myself to tell Mark the truth. It'll break his heart and I can't stand that. "Y/N? You okay? You have been quiet for a while now." My fiancé sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I sighed and just nodded. "Yes everything's fine. But tell me. You have to go to work, right? I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." He smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips. "Yeah, you're right. Well, then I am off to work. See you later babe." I smiled weakly and waved him goodbye. After the front door was shut, I sighed again. What am I doing here? Lying to my fiancé and still loving a demon who will never come back. Suddenly the realization hit me. Alastor never got his reward for the deal. That means he HAS to return ... someday. "And when will that be? In 10 years??" I shifted my gaze to the floor but fell in shock of the sofa when I suddenly heard somebody talking who wasn't either Mark nor me. "No, not in 10 years, my dear. How about now~?" I stood up and was face to face with an old vintage microphone. Wait, what? Microphone? I slowly looked up and gasped at the end. "Did he just call you 'Babe'? What did I miss?" This can't be possible?! "Alastor??" He grinned down at me. "Hello, love. Did you miss me~?"

A/N: Hey!! So, you get another chapter because I won't update next week. I have some tests before my school holidays and I probably won't have time to post a chapter. Sooo, here you go. I will check chapter 10 and 11 for mistakes later, I am to lazy now lol. I hope you liked it. See ya!!

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