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Tsuna woke with a soft grumble wrapped into two strong possessive arms, grumbling softly her brown eyes tried to peek up at her lover but his arms just tightened on her, nuzzling into his chest instead while a soft order came to sleep, tightening her own hold on the man Tsuna closed her eyes again and nuzzled into that strong bare chest once more before finally falling back into her dreams.


Tsuna hadn't seen her Cloud guardian in nearly a year, so busy with the takeover and clean-out of the few famiglias that were especially corrupt. Meanwhile Hibari Kyoya had been in Japan expanding the foundation and getting it ready to be independent so he could move overseas along with his other Guardians and his precious Sky.

So, when a chance came up for the young Vongola Decimo to take her first break in over a year the woman had jumped on it like a rabid dog, on her private plane and out of the country before any guardian could offer to come with her, she would be safe in Namimori and she was going insane without some time to herself.

Most of all, without time in those strong arms.

Tsuna left the plane her face dark and most definitely in a bad mood, she had been hassled the whole way by calls from her guardians about taking a guard with her to the point she had been close to destroying her phone, now striding through the airport past the noisy crowd she wasn't sure she'd make it to those arms without killing someone.

So close but still so far was just making it all the worse.

Then she was there, her anti-social crowd hating and temperamental, but strongest, guardian had come to meet her, she hadn't even seen him before those strong arms were wrapped tight around her smaller form, she had known it was him instantly, that ever strong purple flame that was so Kyoya, the smell of sake and weapon oil that was so Kyoya, the second his arms had closed around her it felt like the years' worth of stress had just dispelled instantly while she just nuzzled into his dress shirt.

"Carnivore, if you ever stay away that long again I'll bite you to death." The soft growl in her ear was so Kyoya, the strength and protection in his hold and the feel on his face in her soft brown hair.

"If I ever make it a year without you again please bite me to death." She grumbled wrapping her arms around her guardian and long time lover. "I was going insane." She whined softly while strong guiding arms began leading her out of the airport, hiding his small animal from view while all but snarling in any that looked her way, Kyoya was normally possessive and volatile when it came to her, and after a year he had ventured into his most hated territory, surrounded by herbivores, to get his small animal, and no one would get in his way of getting her back into the foundation and into his futon.


A few hours, much biting to death, and lots of loud moans and gasps later Tsuna was snuggled into her Cloud guardian with a smile as a strong hand stayed in her hair pressing her into his chest, not that she needed any encouragement, happy to stay there and nuzzle into that sinfully unscarred chest and let him hold her.

"When do you go back?" Kyoya asked though she was sure he already knew, the man seemed to know everything, his information network was nearly as scary accurate as the CEDEF network he was about to take over.

"You already know that." She mumbled while his lips pressed into her fluffy soft brown hair, Kyoya had been amused to see she was growing it, though he did find that attractive too, the much too addictive presence of his Sky was something he couldn't do without for long, this past year had seen a very brutal Kyoya to anyone that even slightly annoyed him.

"I'm being polite." He noted while she snickered into his chest, her Cloud guardian? Polite? Well things had changed in this past year.

"A week." Tsuna mumbled, not enough time in her mind, not enough time at all, it never was, leaving him was going to kill her, it always did, the breaking in her heart as she sat on a plane back to Italy her mind and heart both rooted in Namimori with a certain steely eyed former prefect.

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