A little intro

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Ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome to my first ever official work of fiction on wattpad!





…Moving on.

 It’s taken me awhile to get the balls and willpower but I decided to start small by doing rigor_samsa‘s lgbtqchallenge! Hopefully I’ll have it finished by the beginning of November  so every one or two or fifty days depending on how lazy and idiotic I decide to be I’ll be posting a number !

Unnecessary exclamation mark!

So I chose one of my bazillion (professional writing term btw) unbegun story concepts and the two main characters from it and the challenges will be following them.

The “story” actually takes place in the Harry Potter universe after the war. Basically canon with the exception that Ron married Lavender Brown and Hermione married Draco because yay Dramione.

The basic plot is when two rivals discover they are both EXTREMLY closeted and make a deal , to pretend to date each other to avoid bullying and discrimination while simultaneously trying to keep their hormones in check , pass their O.W.L.’s and convince themselves to get the courage to come out .

The character profiles:

Willow Longbottom – A sweet girl with an odd sense of humour and mischievous side that catches everyone who meets her by surprise, she’s a socially awkward midget who doesn’t know when to shut her mouth and dreams of becoming a world class journalist. She’s not very popular due to the fact that most get very confused and slightly offended whenever they talk to her. Along with being gayer than a rainbow, she falls in and out of love disturbingly fast. She has been trying to get one over James Potter since they were in diapers and while is secretly fond of him, will do anything to aggravate him.

James Sirius – The golden boy who has more cousins than anyone can keep track of. While he isn’t so great in school, his good looks and playful demeanour have earned him the title of prefect. He’s charming and friendly to everyone, but not a lot people know the guy behind the smile. Apart from wanting a career in quidditch like his mother he is obsessed with muggles and all the places and stories they have, and his prized possession is a little muggle television. However he’s absolutely terrified of failing anyone’s expectation and has

So those where the profiles! I hope you liked them, if you have any ideas for the challenges please feel free to comment of message me. Please vote, favourite and comment.

Willow ©me

James and the harry potter universe © J.K.Rowling

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