How it all started

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Authors Note: Alright so this is for all you uncultured swines. So lets get a fact straight I am writing a story with a Muslim girl lead and for those of you that don't know, Muslim women cannot have relationships with guys unless they have the intention of marriage. They also can't marry a man who isn't Muslim. so just have that in mind while reading. Thank you. 

It was a Monday night when my mom stormed into my room yelling. "Get up get up! pack your bags with everything we are leaving right now" I woke up confused. Why is this lady yelling at me on a school night to get a bag ready? where are we leaving? and why?But i didn't even question her because she looked uneasy. 

I rush down the corridor, down the stairs,  and into the kitchen. My dad was packing food from the fridge and my little brother was quickly scarfing down a biscuit. My older brother was yelling at someone on the phone and my mom was packing all the bags into the car. At this point my mind was still fuzzy. 

I get into the car waiting on the rest of my family members to get in and fall back asleep.

I wake up suddenly to the sound of my little brother yelling in my ear to get up. I look outside and see the airport. WHY ARE WE AT THE AIRPORT? i yell out to my parents. They look at me with a sad look on their face. "listen to me Faiza it's not safe for us here anymore. We got new passports and ID's and are fleeing the country. If we get caught for the littlest things we could be incarcerated so please just listen." I was speechless so I quickly nodded and took my passport and bags out of the trunk. I was still in my pajamas and so were the rest of my family members.

We got to our gate smoothly thanks to the help of one of my brothers friends who work there. He got us past heavy security somehow. While we waited for our plane I went to the bathroom to change out of my pajamas and into regular people clothes. When I walked in I was still groggy. I get into the stall and start to change. When I head out I notice my buttons not buttoned right so I go into the mirror and unbutton everything and button it again correctly. Then I noticed... urinals. URINALS. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I look around and of course with my luck there was a boy checking me out the whole damn time. 

I run out the bathroom with my face all red. That was embarrassing. 

Everyone on our gate starts boarding the plane. Including the boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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