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Yassssss sister thats the MOTHER FIVKIN tea

Yassssss sister thats the MOTHER FIVKIN tea

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Narrator pov just because.

Y/n ran and ran as fast as she possibly could. almost tripping here and there she made her way around the maze-like temple. She felt proud of herself because she had never run this fast in her life, it shocked her. Though she didnt disapprove of it.

But she did disapprove of the big creature following behind her, catching up at an alarming rate. that she knew was not good. 

she kept running though, Y/n wasn't going to let the creature have her that easily. He might kill her the moment his hands touch her. 

dread overfilled her vision as she saw the xenomorph in a crouching position, she couldn't stop herself- so what did she do? well, she just ran past, hoping she was too fast for it maybe? though when she ran past, it did not leap or jump. It showed no sign of aggression... towards her. As soon as the creature ran by it pounced onto its bad with a loud screeching sound. 

Y/n watched in horror as the creature flailed around with the xenomorph on its back. She stood there as the great two beasts fought again. 

then it hit her, this one's shoulder was destroyed. it was THAT one. 

a black boney tail went into the air, then swiftly down piercing into the creatures shoulder. without a second thought, the creature got ahold of the tail and threw the alien onto the ground, not far from Y/n. but the creature didnt give up that easily, it pounced once again even with its wounds, even with the pain- it just wanted murder.

knocking the creature down, the alien prepared itself to attack again with its tail. something told Y/n to stop it, that if this creature died the xenomorphs would become too much. They were actually killing them while she had killed none. What chance did she have against them without this creature?

before the xeno struck the creature, Y/n threw herself at it. Causing it to scratch as she took it off the creature and to the side.  then she kicked it away, well kicked herself away from it. barely dodging the hit from its tail as she got up, she watched it. the way it hissed the way it drooled around the place. Just the way it was there- it felt out of place. 


but it didnt stand there for long. A blast from behind me hit it- from the alien gun. The body went limp as acid like blood burnt through the floor. I watched as it did so. If some of its blood had gotten on minute when we first came here- 

a rough tug brought me back as I felt my body lunge to the side. The creature's grip on my wrist was strong, I did not bother to try and break free. Even if I did, where would I go? these hallways change. 

"sparrow?" Spider called as he saw me come into view. "what happened?!?!"

I looked down "I got caught thats what."

Spider opened his mouth then shut it as he heard the creatures holding us hostage talk in their own language.  Just clicks and lazy head guestures.

but it all came to a sudden stop as they looked at us, then procced to knock us out cold. Last thing I remember was falling, but not reaching the ground. 


I was in water once again. I was in pretty deep as well. I still swam up. This wasn't like my alst dream, nothing below me. none of those things. I reached the top and took in deep breaths as I did so. 

I was on a beach. It was a beach at (home town). I swam to the sand and got out. Thats when I noticed it, I looked frantically around to make sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me. To make sure my theory was correct and sadly it was. 

there is no one alive here. Bodies lay everywhere, some with there arms off. Some old, some very young. 

I ran, I ran to my home. 

busting through the dusty broken door I see something flicker out the corner of my eye. 

so I go to check it out.


I jerk up, im in... bushes? There are noises around me, lots of loud noises. unclear though, muffeled noises. 


oh my go- those are gun shots! I need to get out of here. Why am I here??? How did I get here abd what the absolute hell happened to me and spider??

My sight is so blury but I manage to make out the fact that I am in a forest.


The hell is going on?? I take a peak feom behind the bushes, shuffling a few leaves out og the way.. I see humans! People who I saw at the start!!

Was this another group? Who were they shooting, what were they shooting actually..

Then I saw it, a small shimmee in the light. I was just able to see it if I really focsed.

It was in the trees, above the troops. Above the three troops.. what happened to the other two?? What happened to spider and minute?!?! Oh god dont tell me they are still in the temple...

I get up but without getting seen. I need to find minute and spider... I look around in bushes and behind trees. Nothing.

Then I hear screams from a male human. He sounds in pain. I look over my shoulder as to where the sound was coning from only to see him in the air. With two metal claws coming out of his chest.

Those blades-

I start to run, I dont feel my gun or knives, did they take them?!?!

I feel defenceless.

So I run once more, just like I did in the temple, I ran my heart out.

Foot by foot, one at a time... that was until I tripped. But when I looked back to see why I had tripped nothing was there...

'Damn it Y/n' I thought to myself in frustration. I get up with a small limp and run once again.

All I did was run and run while searching for my team.

Then I heard the last scream, the last human scream. No more gun shots came after that.

I ducked behind a tree. Oh god.


Nnnmmmmmmmggg this chapter isnt late, youre just fast

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Nnnmmmmmmmggg this chapter isnt late, youre just fast. Also I feel like I have somehow fucked this chapter up... its 2 am and my eyes are kinda burning so like- RREEE. If anythings fucked / or out of its shit then feel free to leave a comment.. but if its about the typos, I wouldnt bother. I plan to fix those once I finish this book.

Farewelk readers, until next time.

Lazy shit (myself) out-

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