Tour de Casa

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Proper hosting attire, according to Mother, is something both appropriate for the occasion and for the activities - yet, enticing to the company or audience. Since I am to spend the day entertaining two boys of a family in which my mother does business, I must dress accordingly. I picked through my closet for an outfit to fit indoor and outdoor activities. 

With an acute sense of urgency I settled on an off the shoulder, floral, white and yellow sundress. I paired it with matching sandals and minimalist jewelry. I pulled the scrunchy out of my hair and combed through it, pinning one side back partially with an elegant hair comb. 

Walking into my bathroom I stopped by my scent cabinet. I lightly applied my favorite body spray, then in selective areas I added perfume. 

I stared back at myself in the bathroom mirror and sighed. I added a bit of clear flavored lip gloss and some mascara. 

I internally wished Mother would allow me to dye the awful white color from my hair. Having mismatched eyes was bad enough, but to look like Cruella Deville's long lost daughter is a whole other tragedy. I stared into my own blue and green/brown eyes. Am I unique, or just bizarre?  

I shrugged the thought away making my way back into my bedroom. Throwing a few things into a small cross the body leather bag, I faced my bedroom door and bit my lip. Sebastian was really... hm, I cant quite put my finger on it. I felt warm just thinking about him. Nathaniel seemed much more gentle, but what do I know, I've barely ever spoken to anyone my own age; much less a boy. I don't know anything about them!

My face was flush once more at the thought of them. 

Knock Knock Knock

"Ms. London, its Lenard, I've been asked to summon you to breakfast." a voice sounded from outside my door.

"I'll be down in a second!" I called back.

What am I going to! What if they say something that I'm supposed to understand because of my age but I don't catch it? I don't know any slang or- 

Knock Knock Knock

"Lenard, I assure you I'll be down in a sec-" I began, opening the door to prove myself appropriate. 

Perched against the door frame in confident stature was Sebastian Winterbrook. I studied him in the moments before he spoke. 

His black button up was without wrinkle, yet disheveled in its own right. His hair followed the theme; white almost though his darker roots would leave me to believe it was artificial. I still couldn't be certain. His eyes were such a beautiful mix of green and blue, like waves crashing into each other. His dark eyelashes adorned them like cliffs in contrast to the ocean. His skin was pale but darker than my own. Still, he was seemingly flawless.

I knew his brother looked the exact same but there was something much different about him that set them apart. 

"May I escort you to breakfast?" he spoke with a smirk, taking a step into my room.

He scanned my room then aimed his stare back down to me. 

He stood nearly a foot taller than myself. 

"No boys allowed in the upper east wing." I responded, almost shooing him.

He didn't budge. I bit my bottom lip unsure of what to do. 

"Rules are rules." I muttered to myself.

"Rules change. As it so happens..." he took another step into my room, "My brother and I will be right across the hall for the week to come." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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