Chapter 14

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"This Maotelus, what kind of seraphim is he?" Velvet asked.

"He's ancient, existing during the times of calamities," Lailah explained.

"He has the power of the silver flame, it's how Sorey can purify hellions, and I'm guessing it's the same for Arthur as well." Vanessa looked to Arthur when she mentioned his name.

"Yes, something like that," Arthur responded.

Up the stairs to the Empyrean's Throne, to where Maotelus was after Heldalf was defeated and purified. Both Eleanor and Eizen were distant from the others, it was their knowledge of who Maotelus was that made them so. Eleanor closed her eyes and tried to imagine what Velvet would say if she knew what trouble they'd all be in. Velvet never took things lightly back on that journey, she had lashed out at times and even left their group when she was frustrated enough. Her emotions were more powerful than her attacks on the battlefield, so to think that her, a Lord of Calamity, would cause a scene, wasn't too farfetched.

Velvet focused on the path ahead and took the lead when they were right at the doorstep. She opened the door to see Maotelus, a dragon-like being that glowed in white light. Lailah then took charge, she explained to Maotelus what was going on, and without much hesitation, told him exactly who Velvet, Eleanor, and Eizen were. More the former two since Eizen had lived through the years. Maotelus looked directly at Velvet and his presence that of gentleness and calm.

"Velvet," he said.

"That voice." Velvet stood in disbelief.

"What's wrong Velvet?" Arthur asked.

"Nothing, I thought I recognized his voice."

"Lord Maotelus," Arthur stood in front of Velvet. "As the fifth Empyrean and guardian of this world, you must know what's going on. How is it that Velvet and Eleanor are here? And why?"

"There is a rift in the time stream. Something or someone has brought upon this world a danger. I cannot sense who it is now, but in time, it will become clear." Maotelus said.

"Hold on, what does any of that mean?" Vanessa asked.

"It means that there's a person or thing that came into this world and is disrupting it," Arthur explained, then he thought about him and Celica, he was afraid that they were who Maotelus was speaking about.

"That makes sense, I guess."

"What can we do about its Lord Maotelus?"

"Go to the four earth pluses of this world, there, you will have to find a way to balance the energy inside." Maotelus then stopped. "Arthur, Celica."

"What is it Lord Maotelus?" Arthur asked.

"Stay for a while after the others leave. We'll need to talk."

Those words alone made Arthur and Celica afraid. Maotelus had wanted a personal meeting with the two, and Arthur knew it wasn't going to be good. The two stayed inside the throne room just as Maotelus asked and listened to what he had to say. Just as Arthur thought, the Empyrean knew that the two weren't like the others, they were from a different plane of existence. While the two planes, or worlds, were similar, their major differences kept them apart. Celica as a spirit was much different than the seraphim, and Arthur's silver flame was not like the one Sorey had.

They had slipped through a crack in space and time and ended up the world, and by a method of their world. It was never heard that others from another world came to that one, but in the world, Arthur and Celica came from, it wasn't so unnatural. Then, they had no way to return home and were told to continue their act of being native to the world. One misstep could mean another shift in the balance.

When they were finished, Arthur and Celica joined the curious group and avoided any talk of what they heard from Maotelus. There was one thing they did share, that the world was unbalanced, and needed some fixing. The group, all together, headed back to the inn.

There was something about him that was so familiar. Velvet thought. She recognized Maotelus, and in a way, felt like he knew her. She wondered if she was to meet him in her future if she and her friends came across him. Eleanor and Eizen felt guilty for not telling Velvet who Maotelus was. They had full knowledge and could have shared it, but they didn't. They knew Velvet would be mad at them for not telling. But if she knew, what would she had done?

Back at the inn, the group split up and went off to take their own time. Arthur and Celica looked out to see the mountains and fields that covered the world. And out further, were the earth pluses, the places where the world was balanced through the flow of mana. If they were stuck there, it was only right for them to help.

"What are you two doing so far away?" Vanessa went up to them.

"Vanessa? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Arthur asked.

"Can't, I've been too stressed."

"If it's too much for you, you can leave."

"And leave you guys to go on a journey without me?"

"She's definitely more active than before," Celica chuckled.

"You guys are just as important to this team as any of us. So, I'm giving you this." Vanessa placed a purple feather in Arthur's hands.

"Huh? What's this for?" He asked.

"Good luck. Maotelus wanted to speak with you directly, so I'm guessing it wasn't good news."

"You know how to cheer a person up Vanessa."

"Thanks." Vanessa bowed and went back to the inn. She weighted her own on her shoulders. While she didn't show it, she had her own stresses in life. That was when Arthur had a plan, to help Vanessa the same way she helped them.

(And that's all for this chapter. I'm beyond tired.

Looks like the worlds are all coming together. And not in a nice bow tie. Why keep Velvet from knowing who Maotelus is? Because it's not his time to join the party, and she's a ball of chaos. What's this big plan that Arthur has? Well, unless you're one of the two people I told, then you'll have to wait. I must draw something before that story ends.

Earth pluses, Maotelus, Empyreans, what does it all mean?! If you played Berseria you'll know exactly what I have planned, hint, it has to do with the Berseria cast getting together, and not just the protagonists.)

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