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“Excuse me nurse, but do you have an inhaler? Because you took my breath away.” Zeke purred over to the poor nurse.

Her cheeks began to flush with a rosey red color, that matched the red cross on her uniform. I groaned and snatched him away by his ear, pulling him along down the hall.

“Ah come on!” Zeke grumbled as I yanked him ahead of me.

“Your sick sister, my fiance is waiting on us, stop screwing around!” I harped at him as he just whined obnoxiously down the hall.

“Blah, Blah, blah. I get it, I get it.” He groaned trying to dismiss me, but I had just about enough. I grabbed his shoulder and shoved him against the wall.

“Is this really how you're going to act at a dire time like -” I stopped. I could see the sullen look on his face, as he averted from my gaze.

“Look I’m sorry. I just, I don't know how to deal with this.” His voice cracked as I could see his hands balling into a fist. I let go of him and took a step back.

“Look I know exactly how you feel. Its, It's not easy watching the sunshine in your life fade like this..” I said softly looking down to now.

There was a moment of silence between us, as we seem to forget the bustling halls around us. Zeke took a deep breath in and out, and eventually looked me in the eye. “ Even if it's hard, we have to be strong. For her.” I choked out as I moved away and continued walking down the halls, soon seeing her room. Zeke eventually caught up to me, and we both walked inside.

Aster was sitting up on her bed looking out the window. When she turned to see us, she perked up with a huge smile on her face. Her Emerald green eyes seem to have their lively shimmer to them as she saw us. Her long brown hair was tangled and frizzy, but she still looked so beautiful. Her smile alone was enough to put me at ease. However, her pale skin and frail looking body washed away the remnants of ease I had.

“Princess Aster, it's good to see you.” I said going over to her bed.

I got down on one knee and grabbed her hand, kissing it softly. I moved to my bag and grabbed a bouquet for her. I could see her deep green eyes glimmer at the sight of them, as I moved them into a vase.

“William how did you get these!?” She cheered in a joyful shock. “These flowers look like there from the tropi-” She stopped talking and covered her mouth as she started having a coughing fit. Zeke ran over to her bed and I could see the despair flare his eyes. I laid her back down on the bed, as she soon began to calm down.

“Well you're awesome brother found them for you.” I replied. She smiled contently now as she seemed to be staring at the flowers.

“As your future wife, I rather you not lie to me. I can tell when you're lying William.” she turned to look me in the eyes now, with that smile that made me puddy in her hands.

“I'm sorry princess, I had a friend help me get these for you.” I said softly.

“That's better” she said confidently.” Zeke, do you mind if I have a word my future husband alone?” she didn't even look up from the flowers. Zeke just nodded and walked out the room, shutting the door behind him. She slowly looked up from the flowers and looked me in the eye.

“William what's going on?” she demanded, dawning a serious look upon her face. Even in her frail weak state, she spoke with such power and strength. That made me think twice about what I would say next. One of the many reasons why I love her.

“Me and Zeke have been fighting a hard fight lately, trying to get the money for your surgery.” I spoke softly now as I kept my gaze with her. She studied my face for a moment. I could see her strength slowly fading as the look in her eyes became softer.

“Zeke’s been lying a lot more than usual to me. I can tell he’s on edge. But I haven't been able to see how you've been.” She slowly moved her hand to my cheek. Her hands were surprisingly warm and I leaned into her touch. I missed it, I missed her touch so much. I move my hand on top of hers and I felt calm. I just looked back into her eyes, and she into mine.

“Zeke’s just doing everything he can for you right now. We both are and it's just.” I could feel myself about to lose it.

I don’t know why but all my stress, my fears, my worries her eyes were pulling them all out of me. She smiled weakly at me and pulled me close, onto her lap. She wrapped her gentle arms around me and held onto me.

“ You don’t have to say anymore. I know the face you make whenever you're trying to be okay, and your really not.” She ran her fingers through my hair, and I was paralyzed. I couldn't move, no, I didn't want to move. I was beginning to cry. I was trying to hold it back but I just couldn’t.

“Let it out my hero. I promised you I be there for you when you needed it, I'm sorry I haven't.” I gripped her sheets hard and buried my face in her lap, and I let it all out. She didn't even speak another word, she just let me cry. I cried for what felt like hours into her.

Once I was done, she slowly let go of me. I sat up slowly and met her gaze. It was like looking into an open field. My heart began to skip a beat as I began to fall in love with her all over again. I leaned in closer to her, and she leaned into me. As my lips met hers everything else melted away. This was the women I loved, the women I was going to marry. This was the women I was going to fight to save. No matter what.

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