Chapter 12 - Julie

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Hayato and Rouge walked into the building and made their way to a receptionist's desk in the main lobby. On both sides of the hallway were 2 large see-through meeting rooms showing several groups of people going about their business. One group stuck out to Hayato especially; a large map of Ephraim was displayed with various areas circled in red.

He didn't get a chance to completely take in what was on the map, but based on the locations of the red circles - one being their home town of Oumachi - he guessed it had to do with the various rallies they've either done or were planning for the future.

What met them in the main lobby was something out of an artist's wildest imagination. At the center of the lobby was a large marble dragon statue that also functioned as a fountain. If it wasn't for the disdain the two had towards the movement, it would have easily been something to behold. As they gazed at the statue, they caught the attention of one of the receptionists.

"Hello! Are you two here to join the movement?" The receptionist asked approaching the two. She quickly closed the gap between them despite coming from the other end of the lobby. Her smile was warm and welcoming making Hayato almost regret what he would say next. 

"Hi. No, we're actually here for a meeting." Hayato took a quick glance at her name tag - 'Julie'.

"Oh. That's a shame," she said adjusting her thin framed glasses. Hayato and Rouge noticed the change in the tone of her voice almost immediately. Once she realized the two weren't interested in joining there was no need to act overly friendly. "Please follow me to the counter and I can get the both of you signed in."

Julie didn't look a day older than either of them, but yet presented herself in a sophisticated manner, donning a classy long black skirt and a frilled white top. Her light orange hair and freckles also added a unique twist to her.

"I see you two took a liking to the statue?"

"It's definitely a work of art. My sister would probably love to study something like this," Rouge responded.

"Thank you. It really shows off the essence of the movement. I had it ordered here myself. May I have your name first sir?"

"It's Hayato."

Julie's fingers danced across her touchpad as she entered Hayato's name into the system.

"Ah! The Mr. Hayato. I've heard a bit about you from your mother, Grace. I'm sure you're aware she stopped by sometime last week?"

"Ya, she told me she had some paperwork to fill out."

"Now that I think about it, you're the same Hayato from the rally last week right?"

"Ya, that would be me. My name's not too common."

"I knew you looked a bit familiar! You're the talk of the office now-a-days. A lot of us were at the rally last week and saw the boss call you out like he did. You sure had the guts to openly voice your disagreement with the movement, I'd give you that much."

"Trust me, I'm sure he was losing whatever guts he had. He's not the best at public speaking," Rouge said as she held back her laughter.

"In my defense, he caught me off guard," Hayato responded in an effort to save face.

"Anyways, the boss has been expecting you." She pressed a button next to her monitor to announce Hayato's arrival. "Boss, Mr. Hayato's here...along with another guest..."

"My name's Rouge."

"Along with a friend by the name of Rouge."

"Thank you Julie. Please lead them both up here. A friend of Hayato is a friend of mine," Blake responded through the intercom.

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