Chapter 2: Starting from the Bottom.

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Sakura POV

3 months in Stomach

I don't know how much time has passed since I've been in here, but I can feel my limbs starting to develop, although I can't move them yet. All I can do in here is sit and wait. Or am I standing? I don't really know at this point. Being a fetus is weird. At least I get extra time to think and plan. One thing I know for sure though is that I'll get stronger.

6 months in Stomach

This is driving me insane. I can't move. I have to stay in this confined space and just wait till my body develops enough to be born. Again. What the hell am I suppose to do to change everything? I know I have to stop Sasuke from leaving and to do that I need to stop Itachi from massacring his whole clan. Then I need to stop the Akatsuki. Damn theirs so much I need to change. All this thinking is making me sleepy. I think.......I'll just eyes for a while.

9 months in Stomach

Shit. Shit. Shit. I slept for three whole months!? I didn't even have time to plan everything! Damnit I can feel the walls tightening around me, urging to kick me out of it. Well fuck you too I didn't want to be in here either. I guess I'll just have to plan everything when I'm out. Wait.....I didn't even think about it, it'll be weird if I just come straight out of the womb and start speaking. I have to act like a newborn, but i refuse to cry. Even if it's natural to do so. I won't. I wont be that pathetic weak girl that use to cry about everything. I can hear noises from outside the womb. I hear voices that sound hurried and panicked. Probably my dad. Even if I can barely hear anything I can recognize that voice anywhere. I miss them. Ever since I watched them die in front me. No. No, Sakura. Don't think about that, your starting over again remember? I'm being slightly jostled around now. We're probably on the stretcher heading for the hospital room.


I can see the light to the outer world. It's happening now.This is where I start over again. "She's not crying!" I hear a doctor say. *Spank*. Did....did this doctor just....spank me? I know he's supposed to do this seeing as I'm a newborn and I'm not crying, but I'm really a 17 year old in a newborns body!This perv!I still need to make some type of sound. "Guuhhhh" That's a baby sound right? "She's alive! She made some type of weird sound." He says as he wraps me in a blanket. I can feel him walking towards who I'm guessing is my mother. I can't really tell since my eyesight is pretty bad right now. All my senses are pretty bad actually. "Oh, how beautiful. My beautiful baby girl." My mom says with  tears coming out of her eyes. I think. "What do we name her?" Most likely my dad says from beside her. " Sakura. Haruno Sakura."


1 month old

It's been a month since I've been born and all I can say is.THIS. SUCKS. I can't move. I can't talk. Or more like I shouldn't talk. I can't see or even hear correctly and don't even get me started on having my parents change my diaper. Let's just say it doesn't always go as smoothly as it should. The first thing I need to do to change the future is to stop Tobi from releasing Kurama from Kushina and killing both of Naruto's parents, thus sealing the Nine tails inside Naruto. Well maybe not stop them from sealing the Nine tails in Naruto. He needs that and it can come in handy, but I only have 7 months left. I don't even know if I can stop them seeing as I'll only be 8 months old. I can't even walk for God's sake! Maybe I can warn someone to go to the place to save them? Not actually tell them to go but just try my best as a baby to lure them there.


5 months old

I've been getting the hang of my baby body. I've been trying to move my limbs and my hearing and eyesight have gotten better. I can even stand up now. Only for a few minutes before I fall back down on my ass though. I still can't talk seeing as I'm only 5 months old. My parents have taken me out on walks every now and then but I haven't encountered anyone I know yet. It's still hard to look at my parents without remembering how they died. Ah yes, that fateful day that I felt the most pathetic and useless. The day my life changed forever.


White Zetsu had broken through our forces and ambushed us. I was surrounded but I was killing them all with one punch. Barely any chakra in my punches, disposing of them all quickly. This was before when the war was barely beginning. While I was focused on getting rid of the Zetsu I had heard screams. I ran to the where I heard them only to find out that they were coming from my house. I ran faster knowing that my parents might be in danger. I arrived in my house only to find my mom on the floor bleeding out. She was stabbed various times and looked like she only had a few minutes to live. My dad was trying his best to fight off the Zetsu even though he had multiple injuries. I was frozen. Stuck in place. Not moving. I was trying to process what I was seeing. Was this really happening? My dad couldn't hold them off any longer and Zetsu stabbed him in the stomach. My dad fell on his knees. I still couldn't move. I stood there in shock. Move. Move. Come on please move! My legs didn't bother listening to me. I heard my mom trying to talk after she noticed me. "S-Sakura honey.*cough* *cough* Don't b-be s-sad." She tried to say. "N-no mom! Please I-I'm sorry I couldn't do anything! I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough! I'm sorry I was so weak *sob* *sob* I'm so sorry." I was desperate. I knew I couldn't save her because it was too late. Not even me being the best medic could save her. " N-no d-don't blame y-y-yourself it's not your f-fault. Just know that me and your f-father lo-love you." Her body went limp and her eyes became dead. My father had already died the moment he was stabbed and fell to the floor. "No! NO PLEASE! Mom, dad don't leave me! Please don't leave me! I promise I will do all the chores now, and I'll fix my shoes by the door, a-and I'll listen to everything you say. Dad I'll even listen to your awful dad jokes. Just please. Please don't leave me. Don't leave me all alone."*sobs harder*

*End of Flashback*

My eyes stared glistening on the verge of tears. I was trying so hard not to let them fall. My mom saw this and started to speak "Honey something is wrong with Sakura! She looks like she's about to cry." "That's impossible Mebuki, Sakura never cries." My dad says as he started walking towards us. "Look Kizashi doesn't she look like she's going to cry?" My mom says with a worried face. "Wow she does, that's strange. Maybe you should take her out for a walk. Let her get some fresh air." Damnit mom and dad, if only you knew.


My mom was carrying me in her arms while walking down the streets to let me get some fresh air. Which is what they think I need. Suddenly their was a voice "Mebuki hey!" My mom turned around to look for the person that matched that voice only to see.......


Word count: 1,368

So that's where I'm going to leave it guys!!
Leaving y'all on a cliffhanger😏
And sorry for the short chapters I was too lazy to keep writing😅

Also um when I first started writing this book I had no clue whatsoever for how this story was gonna progress and i still don't I literally just write a few sentences and stop to think what's going to happen next, I only have a few ideas for this part as of now. So if my writing is shitty and u feel I have left out or didn't mention some things then I'm sorry Im just writing whatever my mind thinks up!

Also I would like to give thanks to:
For being my first comment! Thank you for wishing me luck and I love your books I'm looking forward to the next update for either one!

Also I will be updating this book every Tuesday(no promises)😂

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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