"You're gay" "no u"

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"Milo, that's why you were spending so many nights?!"

Cat went, 'oooooh,' and kept eating.



I was hanging onto the counter. "Mom, no."

Thankfully, A.W. stepped in, asserting, "We haven't gotten to that stage yet."

God, why'd he have to add the 'yet'!?

Mom was mumbling, "I've gotta buy books. Lots of books– What kind of books will appeal to teens?"

"Mom, I don't want books–" I tried. The first round of sex ed books she'd gotten me were bad enough.

"Honey, you're getting the books. A.W. can have a copy, too."

"Mom, you're killing them," Cat pointed out. "A.W. looks about ready to run."

"THANK YOU!" I shrieked, eyes raised.

"That's how I'm showing my support, though," she said, seeming almost confused.

That was a buzzword. Right there. And warmth seemed to flood into my system from that alone.

She hugged me, then A.W. "Welcome to the world outside of the closet. How long have you two been sitting on this?"

We looked to each other. "Uhhhh– Couple months?"

Cat cocked her head. "Really?"

Well I wasn't gonna tell them the whole deal with growing up with him and noticing things, now was I? Hell no.

Sadly enough, he didn't get away with spending the night, but, for the first time in years, I was actually looking forward to going to school the next day.

Even though when he did sidle up to me in the hall and tried to make out with me insistently, I punched him.

Clambering up, he asked incredulously, rightfully angry, "Milo, what the hell?!"

I looked to the side, eye twitching a little bit. "Alistair-William, I am not gonna be one of those people that get all handsy in the halls."

Rubbing at his sore jaw, he leaned against our lockers beside me, me still trying to act righteous. "Had a change of heart?"

He nodded, pretending to be subdued for my sake. I cut my eyes to the side, trying to direct him silently to that cranny behind the trophy case just before the janitor's closet. He was an idiot, though and was angry as I dragged him by the front of his shirt, and I couldn't get him to stop spewing out complaints. "–and seriously, Milo, I am not looking forward to–..." he seemed to realize we were in a much smaller space, where his voice seemed much louder.

I let go of his shirt. "Listen, I'm sorry. This is new. I'm–" it took a moment to get the word out of my mouth. "Trying. Trying. Here's the compromise. Try it again." There was a buzz between us, only growing in intensity, and I was learning to let it go its course.

He raised an eyebrow. "Buddy, this is not at all how I pictured trying again."

I huffed a sigh, pushing back from the wall behind him. "Exhibitionist much, dude?"

He wasn't fast or really anything other than methodical as he slipped out from between me and the wall, and instead pushed me up against it instead. "This is."

I shook my head slowly, beating back a smile. "You smooth fucker."

He laughed nervously, but easily, shaking his head as he came in and down, posting a hand by my head. I grabbed onto the back and sides of his shirt, closing my eyes as he kissed me. He tried to draw back, but I did not let go, and he laughed near my mouth, "If you make me late for fifth period, I swear–"

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