Kapitel 1

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I can't believe it. I'm really here, all alone in a completely new country.

Who would have thought that they would really take me when I applied to the scholar ship they offered at my university. When I first saw the flyer I just thought: why not? You got nothing to lose and only to win.
And now I'm here. Apparently they thought I was good enough to go to one of the best university for computer science.
The day I got the letter in the Mail I was so nervous. What would I do if they said No?
But they said Yes and offered me so this amazing chance to get new experience.

I already signed in at the office and got there my key card with my room number. They gave me a quick description of the way to the room in front of which I'm standing right now. The key feels with every second heavier in my hand the longer I'm standing in front of the room 301 wondering what would expect me behind this door. How will the room look and what is my dorm mate like?

I probably never find out if I don't open this door right now.

I took a step forward. With shaky hands I put the key in the lock and turn it to the right. My other hand grabs the doorknob and turn it. And with that the door is open.

"Oh hello? I'm sorry. Am I right here? I'm the new student." Yeah and there went my confidence. I had hoped that there wouldn't be people in this room when I arrived. Silly, right? But I had hoped that I first could get settled in in this room and then met my dorm mate, but she is already in the room when I open the door. And she isn't alone. There is a male with her. They both sit around her desk and look on her computer.

"Oh of course you're right here, sweetheart. They told me that my new dorm mate would arrive today. I'm Jane. Why don't you come in?" She stands up and comes over to me.

"Okay great. I'm Anna." The pressure from the last hours fell from me. Jane seems nice.

"So Anna this is our wonderful dorm room. You can have the bed on the left. Oh and this is Josh. He's helping me with my computer right now. I don't know what is wrong with it, but it doesn't do what I want. Stupid thing."

A small laugh escapes my lips. "Maybe I could help with your problem? I know a couple things about computers."

A pair of sparkling blue eyes meet mine. "You are interested in computers?" His voice sounds so joyful. And his smile only grows when I response "Yeah, that's why I'm studying computer science."
"That's so cool. I'm also studying computer science," answers Josh.

"Jane, did you hear that? She's perfect." "Of course, silly." She answers with a grin.

Okay this is just a little bit strange, but I'm so happy right now. So I just ignore their last comments. I won't be alone in my classes on my first day here. And my new roommate Jane seems really nice. Maybe this year will be great.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2019 ⏰

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