Best Behaviors

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She was unsure exactly how long it had been. Hours? Maybe even days? It was impossible to tell the time of day let alone the passage of time with the blacked-out window above her which seemed to have been painted black (by her kidnapper, no doubt). Her ability to keep up with the time had become like trying to catch a fish with hands made of melted butter – impossible, improbable, and a major pain.

Gia had fallen asleep on a thin cot riddled with holes and hazardous springs that poked through the thin mattress material and to tore at her skin. The thing had left her itching after just a few minutes on it, and her arms and legs covered in little tiny bites that bumped up concerningly. The cot was pressed against a far wall, low to the ground, and filthy.

No one had entered the tiny room yet to confront or to confront her. Her kidnapper was still just a figment of her imagination - a big man wearing filthy overalls, with a face that resembled an ass. He would do awful things to her before finally burying her in his backyard.

Now was just a waiting game.

There was a door in her prison, and it was thick one made of rusted metal. It was locked, and it had not so much as squeaked the whole time she had been there.

Then, without warning, it began to scrape open, a long dragging sound caused by it being too close to the ground.

She had jumped from the cot, her body tense, her mind out of the fog it had sunken into. She hadn't been expecting who it was she ended up seeing, no she wasn't expecting to see him at all. The sight of him tripped her world all up and twisted it.

Isaac – he was there, looking at her with dulled eyes which were a far cry from their normal brilliant, roguish, yet playful blue. He looked less surprised at finding her standing like a bird about to take flight then she was to see him, she noted. As he stood frozen in the doorway, blankly staring at her, her anger suddenly flared.

Was he the one who kidnapped her?

She had always thought something was off about him - her sister's popular, 'bad' boy boyfriend. She had told her sister that he was such a cliché because he really was. The bad attitude, the skipping school, the hair gel, the cigarettes. But her sister liked those sorts of things – clichés - she was one giant talking, walking one herself, with the blonde hair and the sickening school spirit she displayed by way of shaking her gold and red pom poms.

"What's going on, Isaac?" Hadn't long left her lips before a large man, one like the one from her imagination, appeared behind her sister's boyfriend. He forced Isaac inside with a well-placed shove which had Isaac tripping and falling to the floor inside. It was a hard fall, something she didn't see cool, collected, always put together Isaac being capable of.

"They'll arrive in fifteen minutes, kiddies, so be on your best behaviors." The man who had shoved Luca had spoken, he looked between them with hard, uncaring eyes. But before the girl could say even a word, the man was stepping forward, grabbing the handle and swinging the heavy door shut with a loud, vibrating thud.

Ringing and confusion followed then silence. Gia quickly ran to the now closed door, itchy fingers finding the handle - she tugged fruitlessly. It was locked.

"What's going on! Hey!" Her voice cracked as she yelled at the uncaring door. "Hey!"

Behind her, Isaac had finally risen to his feet. Hearing the shifting of his clothing, she whirled around; her narrowed eyes locked on him as she struggled to catch her breath. He glanced up at her for about a second, before his gaze began to take in the tiny room silently.

His calmness irked her beyond measure because she was anything but calm, she was losing it.

"Why are you so calm? How can you be calm?" They had been kidnapped. Kidnapped!

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