Once upon a warrior

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Chapter one

I woke up to my alarm clock behind my bed and I quickly fumbled my hand over to snooze it. God I love that button. After around 3 snoozes I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and felt the fluffy carpet. My life was the same day in and out, nothing really special happend. I sat down infront of the computer and checked my mail, as usual nothing but spam and boring news letters from diffrent webpages. Not that I expected something else but I've been keeping track of some update mails about a fan-competition. I atleast hoped for 4th prize. 1 week with my favorite band. First price was 4 weeks, think, a whole month with you favorite band. I looked over at my B.A.P posters over my bed and smiled. I could imagine Zelos smile when I met him. I sighed and went up to get dressed.

My homerun teacher was talking outloud to the class about a classtrip but I only listened with a half ear and had my eyes fixated on a swing on the playground. It was slowly wagging back and forth and it was kind of hypnotizing. A large bang woke me up from the trans and I looked up at my teacher with a fixated eye on me.

"Concentrate during my lessons!" she shouted and I leaned back to avoid her spit.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said with sarcasm in my voice "But I do believe I don't give a fuck!" I shouted back at her and she tensed up her jaw and forced a smile.

"You can leave the classroom for such behavior and language" she said and made a gesture at the door. I stood up, took my bag and left the classroom. She is such a old hag. I opend my phone and once again checked my mail. I've got a mail from the compitition.

I've won the 2nd price, 3 weeks with B.A.P. I'm gonna meet Zelo. I couldn't hold myself and a smile was spreading across my face. My feelings where overloading and I laughed to myself and it echoed through the halls.

"I'M GONNA MEET B.A.P!!" I yelled and slided down the wall onto the floor.

This was my first fanfiction on Wattpad, Hmmm... I'm pretty happy with it. I'm not a native english speaker I'm from sweden :3 I hope you liked it :3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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