So Here's The Thing, Guys

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Alrighty. First of all, sorry to all of you who almost died trying to get to this page because you thought it was an actual update. I promise it was not in vain-- another chapter will be up at some point tonight.

However, I would like to address some things that have been bugging me lately.

As someone who has dabbled in/around various different styles of art, I can say for a fact that I am no stranger to criticism. That being said, I'm going to say outright that I do not appreciate some of the comments being made on this story.

If you are going to comment with well-thought-out criticism or point out something I may have done wrong or missed, then all power to you. I am by no means a perfect writer, and on top of that, I've never been to Australia in my life. Though I try to look up things I don't know a lot about, the fact remains that the internet is not always the most reliable source. So, please do feel free to correct me in an intelligent and polite manner.

On the flip side, if you're going to negatively comment about who I've chosen to portray certain characters or what outfits I may have whipped up to supplement some chapters, please back the fuck up and sit down (of course, that was said in the nicest way possible, which wasn't really all that nice at all). I do not take time out of my day to find something that fits my mental image of Daeyna's outfit or looks, then edit it together in a way that is at least somewhat presentable purely so I can come back later and revel in how much some of you apparently 'hate' that choice. 

I am writing this story because I thought it would be cool to get the ideas in my head out there for all of you to enjoy as well. You are not paying me to write for you. Wattpad is not paying me to write for you. I am taking 18+ credits in college and have three extracurricular activities that I participate in on top of that. In all actuality, I spend a lot more time on the stories I write for this site than I really should.

If you seriously hate Selena Gomez that much or think the outfits I made in the first 4 chapters (that was over 15 chapters ago, for fuck's sake!) are too ugly to comprehend, I suggest you find another author to follow and another story to read. Because I'm sure there are plenty of other stories out there that fit your particular taste, since clearly mine doesn't.

Thank you for your time,


Bully // l.h. // Book 1 of Bully SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora