Chapter Three: A Strange Encounter

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After getting settled at the Slytherin house table, I waved over across the great hall to Mallory, who had just sat down. She happily waved back; smiling wide in her brand new robes and wearing her big blue ribbon in her hair. Trent stuck his tongue out at her as she turned to her friends

"Honestly, why can't we eat before we have to sit through the sorting ceremony." he said, chewing on the sleeve of his cloak "I'm so hungry I could eat a vomit flavoured bean."

"Be quiet," I shushed him "the first years are coming in."

The tall doors to the great hall opened slowly as the first year students began to file in. Lead by Professor McGonagall, they all had looks of wonder on their face as they took their first look around. The candles floating above their heads burned brightly as they made their way down the aisle. Dumbledore stood up to the podium, and raised his hands up

"Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To the first year students, I welcome you to the castle. All other students, I welcome you back." he turned to the high table "We have a few changes of staff for this year. Altador Leighton will be returning as your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but he will be shadowed by our newest faculty addition, Salvador Dutour." Dumbledore summoned Salvador to stand "You will treat Salvador as you do any other professor, and please assist in any way you can when asked."

Salvador stood up. He was an averaged height man with dark olive skin. His tightly curled, amber coloured hair covered his eyes almost completely. The front of his robes were covered in scorch marks, and he had his left arm in a sling.

"Wonder what happened to him?" I whispered to Trent

"For the annual Winter Ball, we will be inviting Ilvermorny School to Hogwarts for the first time. A reminder: No student under fifth year shall attend the Winter Ball; not even if they are invited by an older peer. Not to worry, we hold this event every year and your time will come." Dumbledore said "Fifth years and up will be instructed on etiquette, and what is expected for the ball."

"I'm really not looking forward to that," Trent said to me "I hear they pick a pair of students to represent the whole school."

"No thanks." I replied

"For those students who wished to partake in Care of Magical Creatures this year, will be unable to until Spring term. So please, fill your schedules with different classes for the time being. I will address everyone again when the class becomes available."

"I really wanted to take that. I wonder why it isn't available right now." Trent said

"It is now time to commence the ceremony. Would the first years please step forward when your name is called." Dumbledore went back to his seat at the high table as the first years gathered around the podium, each going up one by one as their names were called by professor McGonagall.

"Wonder how many new students we are getting this year." Trent groaned "I really don't want to have to deal with a bunch of first years."

"Michael Vandbrow." McGonagall called out

A short, tanned boy stepped up to the chair; she set the hat onto his head as it began to speak. "An interesting start...I say SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin house roared with cheers as he stepped down and went to the Slytherin table. Trent sighed, "I guess I shouldn't have said anything." As each of the first years were sorted, the houses' applause grew louder and louder. When the last student was finally sorted into Gryffindor, the feast began.

"I think I'm going to head back to the common room a little early," I said to Trent who was already on his third plate

"How come? You haven't even had the pudding yet."

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now